Nursing Students SRNA


Hello, first time posting a topic on here... anyone applying to Adventist University for summer 2019 start? Still early, I know, but seeking the comradery as all the other previous threads. Looking forward to hearing from any of you!

Hi! fellow applicant here. i'm applying for the 2019 start. wondering what kinds of questions might be asked on the interview if we are invited for one. recently shadowed a CRNA graduate from there who mentioned the interviews are highly personalized based off of your resume/experience

Hi Marina! Happy to hear from you. I have read/heard diff things but hoping it is because my floor is primarily neuro, but also trying to study cardiac in preparation for getting hit with the opposite spectrum. Anything in particular you are working on for your app?

fortunately i have all my documents together. i am just trying to submit it all to nursing cas. I still need to take my CCRN certification exam since it seems like most school either encourage or require it. is ADU your first choice? what are you working on now for you application?

Yeah, they definitely do. Same! I have everything except for a couple references and I'm studying for CCRN, too. Was considering PALS and TNCC but want to make CCRN my focus since you don't really need PALS until start of program and TNCC isn't nearly as regarded. ADU is actually my 2nd choice, only because of their recent transition to DNP/later start date. But I'm still really hoping for an interview, of course. How many years of experience do you have? I am still accruing mine.

currently going into my 3rd year working as an RN. I started out in an ICU as nursing was a career transition for me. I would definitely focus more on the CCRN as everything else isn't as highly regarded or can be obtained right before the start of the program. what other schools did you apply to

That's awesome! I've been a nurse for 5 years but started in the OR, so I will have 2 years at start of program. Only applied to FGCU so far, will apply to Barry as well but their deadline is so much later now so I haven't yet. How about you?

I'm applying to Barry and Emory in georgia. If you apply early for barry you will most likely interview early as well and know if you are accepted or not. i believe barry is set to open their application in july

Oh, really? Didn't realize it opened so soon, I may apply earlier than I originally planned then. Are you from GA? What is your top choice?

No but i have family in georgia. not sure about my top choice. every school has its pros and cons. Emory just started their CRNA program less than 2 years ago without a graduated class as of yet but it has state of the art simulators and the program is held to higher standards because it's so new. the class size is limited to a max of 15 making it more individualized. ADU has better clinical hours in the central florida area and Barry is the longest standing program of the three and has been very successful with their first time board pass rates but has a monstrous clinical schedule with little to no predictability from week to week. it's also the only one in central florida to rotate through a level 1 trauma hospital. so much to consider...not quite sure yet.

Yeah, that is a lot to consider. Basing my choices off of location more so than anything, I really want to stay somewhat close to family, but will be absolutely thrilled to get in anywhere. Although I'm favoring ADU in regards to the clinical schedule, as you mentioned... how did you feel about the GRE?

i took it in november if last year...did fairly well for a first timer. it's more of a logic test than anything else. i got a 4.5 on the writing and something along the lines of 305-310 for my total score. i bought a kaplan book from amazon and went through the entire 2000+ pages on my own. i would say it helped. have you taken yours yet?

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