Student nurse work in hospital?

Nursing Students General Students


Hello everyone!

I have a question. I am in the BSN program and near to completion of the first semester. I heard that after two semesters, you can work in the hospital? Is that true? I can not stand being bored next summer!

Specializes in L&D.

I think you're talking about a nurse externship? It's not something I've really looked into since it really isn't possible for me to work because of having two small children, and a husband with a full-time job + Army national guard. Hope this helps!

It probably depends on the area you live in. Hospitals in my area require a completion of Fudamentals and Med/Surg I. I'm in an ADN program so I'm not familiar with the BSN set-up, but for me, that means I could work after 1.5 semesters. I did Fundamentals in semester 1, and then Med/Surg I for the first 7 weeks of semester 2.

Yea it is most likely an externship program, I really don't know what they involve. And there are some hospitals where people hold the title of student nurse, in that case you would basically be doing cna work. I don't think you get paid, but I know that some provide tuition reimbursement and a monthly stipend.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.
Hello everyone! I have a question. I am in the BSN program and near to completion of the first semester. I heard that after two semesters, you can work in the hospital? Is that true? I can not stand being bored next summer!

I would contact several nearby hospitals and speak to human resources. Don't take other peoples word for it. And if you can't work, you can always try doing volunteer work in a health related area to get your feet wet. Good luck to you!!

I did a nursing externship last summer in between my first and second years of the clinical portion of my BSN program. I got a job as a "Nurse Extender" working part of the summer in the Burn Center and part of the summer in the ICU. It was a paid position. I performed most nursing duties other than passing meds or starting IVs. It was wonderful! Like getting paid to be a student nurse (except the nurses are nicer to you). I highly recommend it.

It varies from hosptial to hospital. There is one hospital in my area that will hire anyone after one semester of clinicals but everyone I know who works there hates it. A few hospitals will hire after the second semester of clinicals are done and then almost all will hire once you have more than that.

Check with the nurse recruiters at your local hospitals and they can tell you what you need to have completed to work there.

Also ask about their pay rates, I know at least one hospital in my area pays as little as $8/hour while the one I am about to start working for has offered me $12/hour as a student nurse. (It probably isn't a conicidence that the one everyone hates is also the one that pays $8/hr). All of the hospitals in my area seem to offer some type of tuition assistance plan if you commit to working there after graduation so you could look for something like that too.

Thank you to everyone for your replies. :)

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