Stressed and overwhelmed

Nurses New Nurse


Isn't that all new grads?

I am in my fifth week of working at my first nursing job and it isn't at all what I was expecting. On my second day of work, the director of nursing was placed on leave and was then let go. Since then it has just been me. I have some supervisory experience, but not on this level. I am currently in charge of 9 medical assistants and 2 LPN's have been hired. I just don't feel like I know what I am doing. I am working in a clinic and the majority of my work is giving immunizations. I have an office and I may start doing scheduling and payroll. I order the supplies and vaccines. It is just so overwhelming. The other thing that bothers me is stuff that I am seeing that is done. There are so many HIPAA violations and I don't want to get caught up in that. The MA's and LPN's will be working under my license (but they (administration) tells me that they work under the medical director) and I am not sure if I am comfortable with that. I am not using any of my nursing skills and when I ask about why something is done, I am told that is the way things are done. All of my co-workers tell me that I am liked and everyone is nice to me. I am around the 6th RN they have had working there in the matter of 2 years. They go through RN's like water. I am happy to have a job, but I am not sure if this experience would count as "nursing" experience. I just don't know what to do.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Wow. Very strange. I don't know what to say but just go with your instincts on what is right and wrong. This will keep your ship going in the right direction. Gather all and let them know about HIPPA, come up with a little hand out and give it to them kindly as they already like you. Think about some way to also watch those others to see if they are doing their stuff correctly. If not, find some EDU about immunizations etc. I know I have a link to a common one somewhere. You will need to know about labeling opened vials, storage and inventory. Step back and make sure you are looking at the big picture - safety first in handling and adimistering those immunizations and what ever else you are doing. These details you might find someone on AN here to help you with. I'd post in the main forum about how to up your clinic.

The thing I would be concerned about is your company owner. If your owner is private with no MD involved, then be very careful. Private owners very much know that they are scott free when it comes to medical error. They know they have hired you. You are the one that holds the "license to practice". Be concerned about this fact.

Yeah, I'd be wondering about the MD situation as well. If it's a clinic , there needs to be someone approving the vaccines.

I might be keeping an ear open about other jobs......

There is a medical director who I question. He does some things that are just questionable. I am just trying to find something else and hoping that nothing goes wrong.

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