Stress Reduction/Time Saving Idea


I am in the online grocery business. Am looking for feedback from nursing and medical professionals regarding the benefit of having an online grocery shopping alternative offered at and supported by your workplace.

Orders are placed with participating grocery stores over the Internet. We are attempting to market the service to the health care field as a timesaving and stress reducing service. We are also interested in offering the service to those who are unable to shop for themselves - new parents, elderly, recently discharged patients, etc. There is a fee of 10%, or a $7.50 minimum.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

[email protected]

I get enough telemarketing calls at home... thanks for making this just another place I'm not 'safe' from the ever-present let-me-try-to-sell-you-something crud. Geez.

Sorry to offend you, kday. I hate telemarketing calls too. I never considered my post might be construed as such - simply want to offer our service to those who could benefit from it. I don't know how your board works - I thought users could just scan the topics and read those that are of interest and skip the rest. I apologize!

[email protected]

Specializes in LDRP; Education.

I'm not offended. I guess I'm not that big of fan of on-line shopping. Nurses/healthcare workers are busy yes, but sitting at home doing everything on line doesn't appeal to me. Getting out of the house for things besides work do.

For the elderly, that might be an option. But you'd have to estimate how many in that population have internet access.

Thanks for your opinion. We're a very new, and currently very small, company. One of our local hospitals is considering offering the service to its employees as a 'benefit of employment' - allowing access from work either through their intranet or through computers placed in break rooms, and allowing employees to shop during breaks or down time. Then perhaps offering delivery to the hospital. The concept was given to me by one of my best friends who is a nurse who said she would love to be able to use it, then discussions were had at the local hospital, etc.

Specializes in LDRP; Education.

I'm sure a few nurses would use the service -truthfully I think they would rather see higher wages than the added benefit of on-line shopping. What it does is tie you to your job even more.

I would focus on researching if home-bound individuals could benefit from this - but again, the access to the internet might be a limiting factor. Hope this helps. Good luck with your company.

I'd love to bring it to the segment who could use it the most - the disabled and the elderly, and hope we can get around the hurdles in doing so. We currently have several older disabled customers who are unable to walk the aisles and push the carts, and they love it. I'd also love to teach elderly nursing home residents how to use the Internet and communicate via email - would open a new world for them if they could get the equipment, and get past the learning curve... another project for another day! I appreciate your time!

[email protected]

I think it's a great idea. I hate to shop! I would think it would be a great adjunct to people who find it difficult to get out. There are a ton of chronically disabled out there whose caregivers have to grocery shop in addition to house cleaning and doing personal care. Try contacting SSI and other providers to the disabled. Best wishes.

Thumbs up, I am a nursing student and a hospital employee and think it would be wonderful in our facility which includes 2 campuses and the nursing school. Employees and students have access to the internet while on breaks, during lunch to be able to hop on order groceries and either pick them up on the way home, or be delivered. I also think it would be a great benefit for the hospital to offer to the community. Great idea! If you want more possitive feedback from me, just ask or if you need the contacts in my area, I would be glad to help. I do not consider this the same type of telmarketing attempt as I recieve on my phone! This does have to do with time management of our profession, as well as a benefit to the communites in which we live for people of all ages and disabilities short term or long term!

Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, rodeogal8. We may be working with a store in SE Nebraska soon - Country Mart. If you're interested in helping facilitate, please email me at [email protected]. We have some ideas in the works for workplace delivery options, etc.

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