Published Apr 12, 2024
k1p1ssk, BSN, RN
852 Posts
I want to hear people's stress dreams!! I don't often have them as a school nurse, but when I do, boy are they doozies. When I worked inpatient pedi, I worked nights and I really struggled to fall asleep as I was constantly running through the previous shift in my head, and hearing alarms and call bells constantly. Really glad that isn't the case anymore, but I think I found my "nightmare" scenario for school nursing last night 😅
In the dream, I was running a meeting in the conference room with two other nurses in my district. I left the admin. assistant in charge of the office and had asked her to radio me if there were any problems as the meeting was not serious. Well, somehow, because our school is old, there were bees in the walls and ceiling. A ceiling tile fell out and the entire building was filled with honeybees, unbeknownst to us in the conference room. A bunch of kids got stung, and instead of calling the nurses, the staff began administering epi to everyone with a welt. When they finally called, I also found a kid in my office vomiting, completely unsupervised.
So yeah.... what kind of crazy school nurse stress dreams have you had recently?
mdsRN2005, ASN, BSN, RN
113 Posts
Ha too funny! Back in my ER days, I used to have stress dreams about work. In one I was in our tiniest room. We mainly used it for minor ailments, suture placement, etc; it had been converted from a storage closet and had no cardiac monitor and little equipment. In my dream I had a STEMI patient in there. Not only could I barely turn around, but I had no equipment, no monitor, and no help! Another time I dreamed that our ER was closed due to a biohazard threat. They assigned a few rooms on each inpatient floor to the ER. So instead of each nurse having 3-4 rooms down the hall from each other, we each had 3-4 rooms on an entirely different floor! We had go either work with no help and no communication or run up and down stairs (because I guess the elevator was out too?) every time a coworker needed help! Needless to say I was very relieved to wake up and realize both dreams were not real!