STNAs may be out to get you! -???


This is an exerpt from a blog I read today. Sounds scary, and thought you'd all like to know to keep an eye on your back. Original link follows.

"Do you work in a nursing home or assisted living as a nurse? If so I am sure you work with CNAs, STNAS, and other nursing assistants.

Be Careful! I have spoke with four nurses this year (two in the last month and half) who disciplined (informally) STNAs or who were perceived as "being hard" on STNAs by encouraging the STNAs "do to their job" and all 4 nurses have been accused of patient abuse or neglect by the STNAs later down the road.

Guess what? STNAs for the most part are not licensed by the State Board of Nursing and even if they are licensed, STNAS and CNAs do not have "as much to lose" as a nurse who is terminated, reported to the State Department of Health or another agency and investigated, and also reported to the State Board of Nursing or Attorney General's office and investigated."

well that all sucks.

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