STNA/CNA in Ohio Training Program locations


Hi everyone! I am applying to a nursing college - the thing is, I have to become a STNA here in Ohio before being accepted to the college. I can NOT find any classes in STNA. I was wondering if anyone had any information on where I can find the locations for this training or if anyone knew of a contact person for these classes. I would appreciate any information! Thanks so much!


*Edit - I also heard that most nursing homes will train you ... however, I would like to know if anyone knows of any specific nursing homes in the Columbus, Ohio area that do this.

Again, thanks!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

Your wish is my command. Here you go!

Ohio Colleges And Schools -- Free Directory of Colleges, Universities, and Other Schools


Just wanted to say thanks for your help! I appreciate you taking the time to give me that information! :) Muchas gracias!

Specializes in MS Home Health.

Check the Dispatch ads....................they have been in there for years. Do you get the paper?


Actually, I do not get the paper - do you think they'd be under the classifieds in the online version of the Dispatch?

Thanks for the information. I'll be sure to check!

Specializes in MS Home Health.

I look at stuff on the paper all the time on the net but I get the paper. There is a log in screen, sign up and give it a whirl. Or when we moved here we bought the Sunday papers in the areas we were looking in for jobs/housing etc. You could buy the Sunday only if you want to go on line. I think Columbus Colony does the training. ARe you near Westerville?


I'm very close to Westerville - Schrock Road and Cleveland Avenue area. Is Columbus Colony a nursing home?

Thanks again!


Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

i know there are several in the Dayton area, but that might be a drive for you...Miami Valley CTC gives classes, (i'm attending their LPN program in Jan) and that's a requirement for their students as's a number you can call 937-837-7781

Specializes in MS Home Health.

Yes Columbus Colony is a facility/nursing facility that specializes in care of the sensory impaired -deaf and blind. It is I think only one of two in the U.S. The have sign classes you can attend there/free.

It is on Sunbury Road. I think they have a new DON. You can find them easily on the net.


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