Published Apr 4, 2008
39 Posts
Im a highschool student currently and im wondering if colleges would accept you into their schools if you only have 2 years expierence of foriegn languages. Im from massachusetts and looking to applying to U mass Amherst, Northeastern, and Universiry of conneticut. I have a good gpa and im taking many science classes. My question is what do college nursing programs look for in a high school student who wants to become a Rn one day. Anyone give me exampls of schedules?
100 Posts
Im not sure what you mean by schedules. But if your in high school, keep all of your grades up, and make sure you take Chem, Algerbra and Bio. And if you can start taking college classes like Eng..ect.
Hope this helps!
Im not sure what you mean by schedules. But if your in high school, keep all of your grades up, and make sure you take Chem, Algerbra and Bio. And if you can start taking college classes like Eng..ect.Hope this helps!
Sorry if i didnt explain it cleary. Im thinking about not taking spanish 3 next year so i can add more science classes like human and anatomy.I have done already 2 years of Spanish. Do colleges of nursing programs in mass and conneticut(umass amherst, Northeastern, uconn) require you to take as much Spanish classes as you can?
1,714 Posts
Hieu, you need to talk to your academic guidance counselor, and maybe an advisor at the college you wish to attend, regarding foreign language requirements.
If you can learn American Sign Language, which is taught as a foreign language (because it is one!) in some school districts, do so! Even the most rudimentary knowledge will be VERY useful and appreciated by your deaf patients - and you will have them.
Many pre-nursing students get a CNA certificate and work in this capacity to see if it's what they really want to do, and that's a wise idea. Knowing what you're getting into before you start is worth more than any money you could possibly earn.
281 Posts
I don't know of too many nursing schools that require you to take certain classes while still in high school.
I think they are focused on your over GPA, SAT/ACT score from high school.
However, with the growing Hispanic population, it wouldn't be a bad idea.
I don't know of too many nursing schools that require you to take certain classes while still in high school. I think they are focused on your over GPA, SAT/ACT score from high school. However, with the growing Hispanic population, it wouldn't be a bad idea.
But having a strong background in biology, chemistry, math, and maybe physics will make your nursing pre-reqs and courses MUCH easier.
I did not take advanced science classes in high school because the kids who did take them were almost all stuck-up jerks , and although any academic advantage would have been overshadowed by the misery I would have experienced, it might have made pharmacy school a little less difficult even though it had been 10 years.
thank you for the help guys. I appreciated very much