Published Jul 10, 2013
15 Posts
Hello Everyone!
I Just had a TB step one done and it was Negative. Will Step 2 also be negative since step 1 was? I also had this done a year ago and both were negative.
akulahawkRN, ADN, RN, EMT-P
3,523 Posts
If you're having the two-step, that first one "primes" your body's immune system for an enhanced reaction to the 2nd test. You could be negative to the first and positive with the second. Normally, you'll only need a 2-step test the first time you're tested, and after that, usually only a 1-step is needed if it's done annually.
Idiosyncratic, BSN, RN
712 Posts
It really depends on your body. Positive results also don't necessarily mean TB.
Just a random; I would suggest keeping a TB test every 12 months to avoid having another two step! That's what I'm doing.
Okay I Just remembered I got a TB test last June or July. I was wondering, do they use the same agent for 1 steps and 2 steps? Because I got the first injection today for the 2 step but I found out I only need the one step.
Yep! But you'll want to be sure your school accepts that. You'd need to fabricate the results from last year.