States Recognizing Chamberlain School of Nsg


Is there a list of states that recognize Chamberlain Sch of Nsg? If you have a link, pls. post. Thank you.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Which program are you looking at? RN to BSN? If so, there is no issue with it being recognized in any states -- it's NLNAC and CCNE accredited. State BONs will always look at the source of your RN, not any BSN you might add on later. Hope that helps. :)

Thanks, Lunah... looking at their RN-BSN online. I am still waiting for transfer credits, and if the classes are less that the other schools I got accepted in, I'll go for Chamberlain.

I read some of your posts. How was the Health Assessment class? Which classes require the most writing (I may take those classes separately)?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Health Assessment was pretty straightforward ... they all have been, really. I think Health Assessment may have had the most writing assignments, but they were small -- each week it was either a journal review or a focused scenario, and there was a larger PowerPoint at the end that focused on a specific disease that you choose.

I'm just finished NR446, Collaborate Healthcare, and NR448, Information Systems in Healthcare, and the two went well together -- when one had a larger assignment due, the other didn't. It worked well! I was worried about taking two classes together, but it turns out I didn't need to be. :) I've enjoyed my experience with Chamberlain very much. Two classes to go! Woo!!

That's the kind of motivation I want to hear. :up: Congratulations! BSN is within your reach!

any one have sample paper I can see from chamberlain class NR448?

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialy.

Hello, Ladies, I was looking at Chamberlain for RN to BSN and had a question about their tuition. Do they have some kind of tuition program? Is it true that the tuition is over $500 per credit?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Hello, Ladies, I was looking at Chamberlain for RN to BSN and had a question about their tuition. Do they have some kind of tuition program? Is it true that the tuition is over $500 per credit?

Tuition info is here: Tuition & Fees | Chamberlain College of Nursing

At $575/credit hour, Chamberlain is the most expensive RN-to-BSN program out of all that I've seen. However, it fit my credits best (I had many, many credits going into the program), and actually would have cost about the same as the other runners-up that I considered -- I think it ended up being $2K more than the others. But I've been very happy with the quality of the education I've received at Chamberlain. (I know, I sound like a spokesperson!!)

I paid for my BSN using a combination of employer-paid tuition reimbursement, a scholarship, my pockets, and finally a student loan.

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