starting school/supplies

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Hi all!

I'm starting LPN school two weeks from today, and I am trying to set up our office (aka our spare bedroom) Aside from books/notebooks/flashcards/pencils/pens/highlighters what supplies do you swear by? I took a course last night that the school offers about how to succeed in school and that's what inspired me to really make our office as convenient as possible so that I will actually use it. I get distracted easily and don't want to be doing all my studying downstairs on the couch where i'll be distracted by my husband and the TV.

I have a laptop which I can bring up there with me. I need a decent lamp and probably a better office chair. Aside from that I don't know what I'll need to make the best use of the space.

any thoughts??

ps- I'M SO EXCITED!!!! hahaha. I have been a medical assistant who desperately wants to go to nursing school FOREVER!!! :)

Well, on top of the obvious things that are truly supplies you need, I would say to get some cozy things so that you actually enjoy being in your office. I love lighting candles when I study. It just makes me happy. Having coffee and tea readily available also puts me in a study mood, which is why I adore my Keurig (and my plethora of owl and kitty mugs). Also come up with a good organization system so clutter doesn't overwhelm you while you're trying to study.

thanks! good point. I should probably try to find a way to make it cozier... though not so cozy that i get sleepy ;)

I go through several packs of sticky notes and sticky tabs. The sticky tabs help me organize which chapters to read or important pages to remember. Also, a great planner will come in handy if you don't already have one.

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

I use lots of sticky notes in different sizes! Lots of different colored pens and highlighters. Dividers for you binder and clear sheet protectors. Extra printer paper and extra ink. Hole punch, stapler, index cards for flash cards, white erasers (they work better), a big 5,subject binder paper notebook, a good lap top back pack and a large bag with wheels (because we have so many books) energy drinks, crystal light, water bottles, healthy bars (I like cliff bars) , paper clips, binder clips, a large binder (2inches at least) with a clear cover, colored pencils (just a maybe depending on the projects you're assigned to), a good planner with lots of space to write on. (I use uncalendar Um, that's all I can think of!!

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

As far as my office/ study space: I bought a desk and a book shelf. I probably going to buy 1.more book shelf be cuz I have so many books. I made sure that I had a few study areas in my home. My dinner table and my large coffee table are additional study areas. I also use a large calendar to write important stuff on!

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