Starting in private OB/GYN office... Is this considered "experience" for Hospitals?


Specializes in OB, GYN, PEDS, Urgent Care.

I am a new grad, and am very interested in Women's health, but especially LDRP. I wanted to know from "people in the know" if working in a private OB/GYN office would be considered experience if my desire is to later transfer to the hospital? Thanks in advance for your input/thoughts/2 cents:)

I am a new grad and am very interested in Women's health, but especially LDRP. I wanted to know from "people in the know" if working in a private OB/GYN office would be considered experience if my desire is to later transfer to the hospital? Thanks in advance for your input/thoughts/2 cents:)[/quote']

Not typically. Experience is considered hospital only. May work if your office does NST or deals with very high risk pt

Specializes in OB, GYN, PEDS, Urgent Care.

Thanks so much for your response

I am a new grad and am very interested in Women's health, but especially LDRP. I wanted to know from "people in the know" if working in a private OB/GYN office would be considered experience if my desire is to later transfer to the hospital? Thanks in advance for your input/thoughts/2 cents:)[/quote']

Not really. I worked in L&D for seven years before going to a private office. It would be very difficult to provide triage nursing with no experience but also if you can in any way get into a hospital doing any type of nursing it is much better and valued then transferring from an office. I've been a nurse for about 18 years and I'm in an office owned by the hospital. I get hospital benefits, great hours, no holidays or nights but those years in the hospital were invaluable. If you can't get an internship in L&D try med-surg first. That's what I did and I could tell a huge difference in nurses who choose this path. Patients are getting more and more unhealthy and come in with a variety of problems. Good luck in your endeavors.

Specializes in OB, GYN, PEDS, Urgent Care.

I just got a job in urgent care, which I plan on working for at least a year, BUT I know that my ultimate goal is in women's health. I just am trying to plan my next steps accordingly. I thank you for your advice.

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