Starting Over

U.S.A. Michigan


Hi All, I am 42 years old and go to HFCC in the CIS program, but Im looking to change my major to the nursing program. I use to be in the nursing program at U of D Mercy but dropped out, because at the time it was not for me. Now that I am older, I want to give it another try.

Any advice on how to get my feet wet again. Do I need to take a lot of math? Does HFCC or WC3 have good nursing programs?

i say go for it!!! i know henry ford accepts student three times a year. i dont know how long is the waiting list is though. i dont know if you have a bachelor's degree but if you do, then most universities offer secdond degree program that is only a year long.

i say go for it!!! i know henry ford accepts student two times a year. i dont know how long is the waiting list is though. how many years of nursing school did you do at university of detroit mercy? i know davenport university accepts nursing class credits from another college, so lpns are able to transfer all their lpn classes and they take the second year rn classes. maybe thats something you can look into. if you've been in nursing program, its going to be easier for you becuase you know the materials and you know how to study.

Definately GO FOR IT. I'm 38, started my pre-req's last year and now only have 3 more to go. There are many good colleges in Michigan. I attend Davenport University because you can go part time all the way thru. I'm not financially able to go full time and not work, so this fits my criteria perfect. I would look into all different colleges and their requirements and pick one that suits your lifestyle. If you have children that makes it very challenging, but I make my 6 year old a walking skeleton and put post its all over her labeling the body parts, and she is learning with me. Email the colleges you are interested in, or call them and ask them to send you their nursing packet, then just review all the information.

Hope this helps...

Hello Porkey2,

No, you do not need to take a lot of Math. Think POSITIVE, THINK POSITIVE & THINK POSITIVE. Just be prepared to study & discipline yourself. I went to Mercy College before it merged with U.O.D. & there was a 48 yrs old woman in our class. We were in our 20 & 30's. She had been a housewife & mother. Her 3 children had graduated from college. She made it, with so much grace. There was more gray in her hair at graduation but she made it. REMEMBER THINK POSITIVE & THINK SUCCESS. Oh I thinking about returning to school for my master's, but not in nursing. I thinking of enhancing my nursing career. I alway think of my 48 yrs college schoolmate. Good luck!

Hi All, I am 42 years old and go to HFCC in the CIS program, but Im looking to change my major to the nursing program. I use to be in the nursing program at U of D Mercy but dropped out, because at the time it was not for me. Now that I am older, I want to give it another try.

Any advice on how to get my feet wet again. Do I need to take a lot of math? Does HFCC or WC3 have good nursing programs?

I am almost 42 years old come September. I just finished my first semester of nursing school yesterday. I started my pre-req's in 2004, went to Eastern Michigan U for one semester, and decided Wayne County Community College was more on my level. There were older students there and the WCCCD is more supportive of their older student's than EMU. I applied for the fall 06 openings, didn't get in, but I did get in for January 07. I could have given up on the first rejection, but I didn't. I won't lie, nursing school is one of the toughest things I have ever done, it was the toughest academic challenge I have ever had, but I did it!!! You have to really want it, really give up most of your social life and study every day, but it can be done. I have a husband, a 7 year old daughter and a 19 year old son. I was one of four older students, the oldest was 55 years old. There were times when I felt like the old bag in the group, my clinical group was very young, the oldest 27 years old. Some patients asked me how old I was and why I was in school at my age, some nurses asked me how old I was, but this is something I really want and that is all that matters. If you are really wanting it go for it..., you will be fine, just have to study a whole lot. The info they throw at you is fast and furious, and the testing frequent. Our Clinical instructor described it as being on a run away train, and she was correct. I am very proud I just passed my first semester, it is a great feeling. So, good luck to you and if you really want it, you can have it. I had one of HFCC's nursing instructor's at my school for a Saturday Physical Assessment class and I loved her. She was awesome. I think HFCC and WCCCD's programs are very similar to each other, but HFCC is accredited through the NLN and Wayne County is not...yet...they are working on it. My husband goes to HFCC and loves it. So, I wish you much success on your journey.

Hey Porkey, our stories arer so similar it's eerie.

1. I attended Mercy College for nursing...didn't finish.

2. I attended HFCC for CIS, finished it.

3. I just started HFCC nursing program Fall '06, and am doing very well.

4. I am an 'older' student, but don't let my birth certificate confuse you.

Both WCCC and HFCC have good programs. As rntoben2008 mentioned, a HFCC instructor teaches at both campuses. In fact, I've noticed a few part-timers hop back and forth. In addition, our Dean at HFCC just mentioned she helped set up the Anatomy and Physiology classes at WCCC, so they are very similar to HFCC's A&P classes. I took mine at WCCC, and they were absolutely geared to nursing. I applied so many things from those classes to both my fundamentals and medsurg classes.

Many of my core classes from the CIS program applied to the NSG program. You already have the 2 writing classes, the computer literacy class, hopefully the Sociology requirement and the Intro to Psych requirement (somehow I skipped that one, and took it online at Wccc.) You just need the A&P classes - my micro & chem from Mercy transferred from a thousand years ago, lol. Math - the math requirement from the CIS program easily fulfills the NSG math requirement. I took Intermediate Alegbra and College Algebra for my CIS and those were WAY harder than anything you'll have in the NSG program. I think you only need an 080 level class, or something slightly higher. NSG math is basically percents, decimals, fractions, that sort of thing.

WCCC is half the tuition of HFCC. WCCC requires a minimum grade of 75, HFCC, 80. HFCC has a wait list, WCCC is by GPA merit and a high score on the NET. (GPA considered first, the NET is the tiebreaker, 3.4 seems to be the lowest GPA that gets in)

Get the requirements for both programs in front of you and strategize wisely, gearing for both programs, but ready to go in case one calls you first. That's what I did. WCCC requires the A&Ps to get in, HFCC does not. IF you decide on HFCC, get on the wait list, THEN take the APs while you are waiting. WCCC also requires the Pathophysiology to get in HFCC does not. (But it's good to get under your belt...if you are on the wait list and can get into it, take it!)

Don't let age be the thing that prevents you from considering a return to school for a new career. That's a problem for other people to worry about, not you. In summary, your background will transition easily to a nursing program. I am your mirror image, and I am doing it. Join me!

wow, thanks you guys for all the kind and encouraging words. listening to all of you makes me feel like i can really do this. wow simpleplan, thats almost scarry that our paths are almost alike.

do you remember mr. c from u of d. im so looking forward in starting this journey again, more focused, a lil older and definately ready for the challenge, thanks again for all the great advice and kind words.


do you remember mr. c from u of d.

i most certainly do! it's funny that you mention him - i was just talking about him to another mercy alum last night - she was remarking what a great teacher he was for path and ap. that boston accent!!

hawt (heart)

awtewy (artery)

nehsing (nursing)

nice man.

Definately GO FOR IT. I'm 38, started my pre-req's last year and now only have 3 more to go. There are many good colleges in Michigan. I attend Davenport University because you can go part time all the way thru. I'm not financially able to go full time and not work, so this fits my criteria perfect. I would look into all different colleges and their requirements and pick one that suits your lifestyle. If you have children that makes it very challenging, but I make my 6 year old a walking skeleton and put post its all over her labeling the body parts, and she is learning with me. Email the colleges you are interested in, or call them and ask them to send you their nursing packet, then just review all the information.

Hope this helps...

Hey how is Davenport I was thinking of applying there vs. OCC. What are the pre-reqs to apply there and how many students do they accept? Is it recognized by hospitals?

Specializes in Emergency Room.

I would go see Michelle Zeid in nursing advising and see how many prereqs you already have done and take it from there. There is not a lot of math required. I'm in my late 30s and just started back too. You can do anything you set your mind to. I have my bachelor's in another area and decided nursing was for me.

Good luck!

Hello dream2be, I am interested in davenport as well, need a program where I can go in the evening, how is it working out for you.

Can you please pm me at [email protected], thanks.

What time do you go in the evening and do they having nursing classes in the evening?

Definately GO FOR IT. I'm 38, started my pre-req's last year and now only have 3 more to go. There are many good colleges in Michigan. I attend Davenport University because you can go part time all the way thru. I'm not financially able to go full time and not work, so this fits my criteria perfect. I would look into all different colleges and their requirements and pick one that suits your lifestyle. If you have children that makes it very challenging, but I make my 6 year old a walking skeleton and put post its all over her labeling the body parts, and she is learning with me. Email the colleges you are interested in, or call them and ask them to send you their nursing packet, then just review all the information.

Hope this helps...

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