Published Aug 24, 2008
6 Posts
If anyone can give me words of encouragement....i need them now!!! I am starting LPN school Sept 2nd at Willow Street CTC and I am scared to death. I am hearing horror stories on the difficulty of the course:cry: Please oh please:bow: if anyone has been through this program, give me some advice......
Been out of school 25+ years always a stay at home mom now just thrown into being a single mom and i am scared to death but driven to make this work.
Thanks for any advice!!! Is it true the workload is tremendous????4-5 hours of studing a night????:typing
Thanks so much
22 Posts
I am a new lPN grad and the program is not as easy as people think. The best advice I can give is to stay on top of things and don't fall behind because it moves very fast... Use your resources like teachers and study groups. Another good tool is saunders nclex book the comprehensive one. We had so much information in the big books that they assign you it it is hard to distinguish what is really important to pass the test. This books breaks it down to the need to know part. You still need to read your text book, but this will break down each system for you and help you understand the rationals. Hope this helps and good luck.
21 Posts
Hi movingon2008,
I'd love to hear about your first few days at LCCTC. I'm thinking about going there myself. Are you in the day or evening program? Do you have to wear uniforms to class? It would be great to hear from you and I hope all is going well!
11 Posts
I just graduated from an LPN program in VT and it was not easy. It is a full time job and then some. I had to study at least a little everynight and often I put in 15-20 hrs/week study time(lots of Sat mornings at the library or local coffee shop). Now that I am done I am so glad that i stuck it out and worked hard. I am now in the second year to become an RN and I have to keep telling myself that It will be all over May 16th!!! Stick with it and good luck!
turtle rain
32 Posts
Hi Movingon2008!
Like you a began an LPN program after being out of school for about 20 years. I hope to finish in the spring and the program I am in is considered part-time. I also work a full-time job. Honestly I live and breathe nursing. I study on average 20+ hours per week and that does not include class or lab time. Be sure to stay organized and protective of your study time - the course work is difficult but if you stay on top of it you will most certainly make it. Good luck and please post again to tell us how it is going.