Starting From Scratch


Today is the day that I decided to pursue a career as a CRNA. I knew I wanted to get into nursing, but I also knew that I wanted to be more than an RN. After researching different careers, I'm certain I found the one! :yeah:

The only problem... I'm a 30 year old IT professional starting from scratch. My plan is to start with the ADN program at my local community college. Become an RN and continue with my BSN, hopefully landing a job in a critical care unit along the way. Then onto a CRNA program. It looks to be a tough road, but definitely doable I believe.

So does anyone have any advice from me, starting from the very beginning? Anything you would have done differently in your career?

Thank you in advance!

Another option is an Accelerated BSN program, assuming you already have a BS in another field. There are advantages and disadvantages to both paths. Check into what it would take both ways and weigh them. For me, it was quicker to take my prereqs and do an accelerated BSN than to get an ADN. Good luck to you!

I would highly recommend the Accel-BSN route...MOST CRNA programs consider it a good indicator of your ability to digest a lot of info in a short time....Just keep your grades up from the beginning. I was in your shoes 3 years ago and now I have 18 mos to go till I'm a CRNA!! It is not an easy road but definitely doable.

Thanks for your input. I do not have a Bachelor's in any field, so I am literally starting from scratch. Well, I do have some credits from when I was pursing my IT degree, so many of the liberal arts pieces of my degree are complete.

I have found an evening BSN program that may be a better fit for me. In comparing it to the ADN program, it will only take 6 months longer so I do really think it's the better move. I start my pre-reqs in May!

this is my first post but i am basically the exact same boat. i have my AAS, and then went back to pursue something, didn't know what, and now i have 140 credits and no closer to a degree. i applied to nursing school and hopefully start this fall. I am a driver for a food service company so it is almost a 180 degree switch, but I think it is really what I want. Good luck and i wish you the best.


How did you come to the conclusion you wanted to become a CRNA? What were your reasons? Just curious.

Go the accelerated route. I was in the same position three years ago. I completed the accelerated program in 1 year, and I was excepted to a CRNA program 7 months after graduation. I did work in a level I STICU, and I had a high GPA. It is definitely possible to become a CRNA in a much shorter time frame then taking the ADN route. The accelerated program is stressfull but as mentioned above it speaks leagues about being able to retain large amounts of info in a small amount of time. Unfortunatley, the program is time consuming and working full time is probably not likely if you want to maintain a high GPA. I hope this helps.


How did you come to the conclusion you wanted to become a CRNA? What were your reasons? Just curious.

I recently had surgery, and I was so impressed with the nursing care I received in general. But in particular, the CRNA was just awesome. I have asthma, and she was very thorough with me. Also, in the OR (as much as I remember before I was under), you could tell she was an important player and knew her stuff. I was impressed!

Before then, I was not aware that most professionals that administer anesthesia were nurses. I assumed everyone was a doctor. I was interested in nursing already, but this just piqued my interest even more. It seems like a challenging yet rewarding profession.

this is my first post but i am basically the exact same boat. i have my AAS, and then went back to pursue something, didn't know what, and now i have 140 credits and no closer to a degree. i applied to nursing school and hopefully start this fall. I am a driver for a food service company so it is almost a 180 degree switch, but I think it is really what I want. Good luck and i wish you the best.

Thank you, the best to you as well!

Have you shadowed a CRNA to see what the job entails??

Have you shadowed a CRNA to see what the job entails??

No, I have contacted a few hospitals in my area, but none of them want to let me shadow. Any suggestions?

You definitely need to do some observations!!!

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