Starting Accelerated BSN Program


Hi Everyone! I am new on this site!

So, I have completed all of my pre-req's and am starting the Accelerated BSN program soon. I am so nervous!! I have a few friends in the program and they are scaring me with horror stories of ridiculously hard classes. I am not so hot in math so I am a bit nervous. Anyways, I would like to know how those of you who have gone through the accelerated program felt about your experience!


I'm in an Accelerated BSN program. I start my second nursing core term tomorrow. I'm not so hot in math either ( at least the pre-req algebra nonsense portion ) I find med math to not be too unreasonable *so far* I pulled straight As, and still had some what of a life. So, just take everything day-by-day and you'll do great!


Thanks so much for your reply. =) It is reassuring. We have to pass a math proficiency test and I have been reviewing and realized how much I such at math and I started freaking out. I'll definitely keep trying harder. Good luck to you in your program.


I currently am finishing up my 2nd semester of an Accelerated BSN program, with one semester left. We too had a math proficiency test on our first day and it wasn't bad in my opinion, but I like math.

The program itself has been doable. I've managed to get all A's since I started, and still manage to have a life outside of school. Some weeks are worse than others in terms of things being due, but if you plan and schedule when you'll do things it isn't that bad. Organization is key, and being confident in yourself and your study habits are also important. One of the biggest things I learned was not paying attention to how other people are studying and not listening to them freaking out about exams because it'll just freak you out too. So be confident in your study habits!

Also, get yourself an NCLEX book like Saunders or Lippincotts and start doing like 10 or so questions a day. You can even get an app for your phone. You won't know all the answers obviously, but it'll get you used to the NCLEX style questions since all our exams were set up that way which is very different than what I was used to in terms of testing.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for replying!! I am starting to study for the math. Can you please suggest to me some things to study for. They gave us a study sheet with like fractions and percentages. Is there more I should be practicing?

Thank you again so much for your help. I really appreciate hearing from other people because it gives me some reassurance. I get what you said about not letting other people have an influence on you. I do tend to freak out a bit but I think I will be aware of it and stay organize. The first time around I chose a BA in something else mostly because I was afraid of math and science. I think this time, I want to face it not run away.

Thanks again! =)

Hi Christable,

Well, to tell you the truth I would not go to an ABSN program, if I could do it all over again. I'm in one now at Umass.

I find the pace to be reasonable, but ABSN students always seem to get the short end of the stick, so to speak. Lesser quality clinical placements (which matter for clinical skills and resume building), zero consideration when it comes to exam scheduling (ie three in a week when traditional BSN have one), and things like that. Also, in this economy it's best to be working as a unit secretary/CNA while you're in school so you can network and be an internal candidate later when you graduate. If you go ABSN, working is almost impossible. I work and it's very difficult. My best advice to you? Go to a traditional pace BSN or maybe even an ADN. ADN will be much cheaper and you can start working ASAP. Look into the hospitals in your area and find out if a BSN is required for hiring as a new grad RN. I wish I could transfer but that's a whole other story :D Best of luck to you!

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