Stanford New Grad RN Residency 2016

U.S.A. California


Hello all!

Just wanted to make a thread for all the March 2016 Stanford New Grad RN Residency Program applicants. Applications went in Nov 2 - Nov 16. Please keep us posted on any news!!

May the odds be ever in your favor!

- R

No, I did not receive a rejection letter like they said they would do. I figured if I didn't get a call by Monday, I was out.

If people would kindly post their interview questions, I would greatly appreciate it!!!

I'm thinking of reapplying but blanked out while other questions were being. If I were to do that interview over, I would love to get a list of potential questions (and for all of you out there that get an interview in the future!).

Hi Vanessa,

I unfortunately do not remember the questions asked, but I do recall that they were all behavioral. As I was preparing, I googled lists of behavioral nursing interview questions and many of them helped me to remember stories from my clinical experience that I could use for various questions. I came up with maybe 10 succinct stories, reheorificed them several times, and I found I was pretty well prepared.

Good luck!

Hi, I know you all have probably gone through this program but did any of your applicator status go from Application Received to Consider for Future? I have a feeling this isn't a good sign.

Hey, I applied recently as well and also see consider for future under status...I thought I had a good chance of at least getting an interview since I precepted there and all... I have a feeling it's a nice way of them saying we weren't selected as well

Hi, mine said that as well and now it's changed it "Application in Review". Did that happen to your guys accounts as well?

Hey, Task816 I am wondering if you have any advice for the interview? I am interviewing next week for the RN Residency program.

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