Stan State Spring 2012 or Fall 2012?

U.S.A. California


I was wondering if anyone was applying for Spring 2012 or Fall 2012 & how many points you have?

you made me feel so relieved but now im just as nervous. I hope i do get in and may i ask why do you feel like i might get in. Isnt ther like a million people applying. im kidding of course but you know what i mean.

so what have you been up to?

I am not sure how many applied. I know that they accept thirty students and then add people on the waitlist. You will get in. Not many people apply for spring so you will. I know another girl who alos applied for spring and she is doubtful but you will get in.

Good Luck :)

message above /\ /\ /\ /\

I dont have reason but I know you will. You should be confident about it :) u will get in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am currently doing my pre reqs at Stanislaus and hope to apply for next fall.

So when you apply you will be done will all pre reqs? And do you know when registration starts? Dont you need some classes and then when you do get in then you drop those classes and take the nursing ones. I don't live up north and I'm so far away so every question is either by phone call or email. Haha

I wont be totally done> i will be taking anatomy,maybe chem if i get in english and micro in the summer. To apply to stan you only need towo non science and two science completed. So by the end of june next year yeah I should be done. I am scared though and thinking of applying in the srping way easier, instead of 200 300 applications onky be 100

you dont need to. I mean registration starts at the end of November and so when you get your date, you will be notified by then if your in the program or no. SO dont worry, when you will find out then you can get your classes and they wont be full or anything. Just wait cuz it depends when you get your date, so if you get it on December 1, you will know by then end of November or first week of Decemeber if you are in the program or no. But i know you will get in :)

That's good to know. Thanks. It's a big help since you're up there studying and I'm down here waiting hopelessly. Haha. Alright. Ugh only 20 ish days left. Ahhhhh. I wonder how many people have 60-70 points

Waiting is the worst part!! I'm going bananas....everything is so up in the air ;( I hate that I haven't heard anything yet, but I'm so happy this forum is here because you guys give me hope. I'm seriously counting down the days...and if waiting wasn't stressful enough I found out I was pregnant too! My life is pretty crazy right now.

Yeah I know people from last year who applied for fall and some were in the 60 70 points. So i know both of you guys will get in.

CONGRATS itsmeeh5


Thank you :)

sorry for spelling your name wrong didnt mean to. My nephew messed me up when I was typing. But congrats :)

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