stafford loan

Nursing Students General Students


I applied for a stafford loan through sallie mae. Now they say my school needs to certify my loan. Has anyone had this experience? I mean they say the school ultimatley decides the amount of my loan, but what if its too much or not enough? Is this something I should be discussing with my school? They didn't recommend I apply for a loan this is why I did it on my own.

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

in my experience, they give you the amount depending on how many hours you're taking for that particular semester, and after they approve your loan, the school, you'll get a piece of paper back telling you the amount you've been approved for, you can lower the amount if it's too much for you. but i'm not to sure about requesting more if for examle they give you $2,000 and you want or need $3,000, i don't know if they'll give it to you, but for sure you can ask your financial aid office as they're the ones that handle the pell grants and the student loans.

good luck!

Thanks I called the finacial aide office and they said I had to make my request through the school. They also said they would let me know if I am approved or denied? I was confused because I didn't realize you could be denied if your a full time student? Maybe because its a community college. I don't know I guess we will see what happens. thanks

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.
thanks i called the finacial aide office and they said i had to make my request through the school. they also said they would let me know if i am approved or denied? i was confused because i didn't realize you could be denied if your a full time student? maybe because its a community college. i don't know i guess we will see what happens. thanks

i go to a community college as well, and it has nothing to do with that matter. i'm sure you'll get accepted since you're a f time student. i was only taking 10 hrs, this past spring semester and i got a loan. the only thing they really look at and it's one of their qualifications is that you are at least taking 6 or more credit hours in order to get a loan. are you paying all this out of pocket, or do you also have a pell grant, becuase even if you have a pell grant that pays for your school, you can also get a student loan. i know this because i have a pell grant and asked for a student loan for the first time this past semester.

Actually I am a second degree student. I'm not eligible for pell grants. The school gave me one of their grants and all of my tuition is paid excpet for about $300. I was hoping for the loan to give me some assistance for my books and living expenses. Not all of my living expenses because I saved a lot this year but some help would be nice since I'll be quitting my job to go to this program. lol. Thanks.

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