Staff shortages see junior nurses in leadership roles

World International


New South Wales health officials are defending the employment of young graduate nurses in crucial hospital roles, but admit there is a nursing shortage.

The Australian Medical Association says patients are at risk because inexperienced staff are being put in charge of wards.

NSW Health says there is a shortage of 1,300 nurses in the public health system, but graduates are fully qualified to take on leadership roles.

I am sorry but they are kidding right?? What happened to the value of experience? The REAL truth is that these "senior jobs" are so demanding nobody wants to do them - the pay just does not make up for the rubbish you have to put up with.

Specializes in Med onc, med, surg, now in ICU!.
bethem - you just got voted as one of my favourite new grads!!

Aw, shucks. Thanks, gwenith! I'll merrily announce that I don't know anything. I'm thinking of having it put on my name badge: "Bethem. Don't ask me, I don't know."

(Of course, I am not foolish enough to continue wandering around knowing nothing. When I discover something I need to learn more about, I make sure I learn something about it before the day is out.)

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