Published Jul 13, 2010
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
I am interested in knowing from dialysis RN's and dialysis Tech's
What is your tech-patient ratio on a normal day?
What does the RN do in a typical day-do the RN's take a pod?
Do the Tech's work with catheters or only fistula's and grafts?
What is morale like?
Are you constantly recruiting or is retention good in your unit?
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Hey there - I'm an APN in two HDUs run by Fresenius (I'm employed by the nephrology practice). The usual ratios:
Techs - 4-5 pts/tech
RNs - 10-15 pts/RN
As to whether techs deal with catheters - that's a state issue. In IL, where I practice, yes they do deal with catheters but have extra training to do so.
We also have one pt left with Life-Sites and these are an RN-only access.
Retention is an issue I think a lot of places. However, unemployment remains high in my area so RNs/techs are not moving around a lot because jobs are few and far between.
Coming from a level one trauma center, I don't think the staff at HDUs are overly stressed.
Do your Rn's work as tech's when they are short?
Not exactly. They might have one or two pts to put on but they are still responsible for all the meds, the assessments, etc.