1st Day of Clinicals..

Nurses LPN/LVN


Specializes in Critical care, Pediatris & Geriatrics.

Hi all nurses & nurse2b!!

I will start my second month of LVN school Monday morning and is also my first day of clinicals. I'm soooooooooo nervous. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!!!!

Amy, SVN:nurse::heartbeat

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

Just relax and observe everything around you. Good luck... I'm sure you'll do just fine.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Soak up as much information as possible, and try not to perform any major procedures without the presence of your CI (clinical instructor) unless he/she has given permission for you to do so. All CIs have different personalities, and some do not particularly like when students go off and do things on their own.

The last thing you ever want to do is bring too much attention to yourself by annoying your CI. After all, they determine whether you graduate, because people who fail clinical rotations also fail the program.

Good luck to you!

Hi there.. I am actually in my LPN porgarm at my high school and I know what clinicals r like. First of all, try to relax and absorb as much information as possible. Observe everyone and note the good and the bad things that the nurses do. Emulate the good nurses and let them become your role model.TAKE NOTES. Also, Clinical time is a time to practice your skills that you have learnt in class, but NEVER do a procedure without peper supervison unless ur Clinical intructoror another nurse is watching you. This will not only protect you from harm but ur insructor as well. Also keep in mind not to ask the nurses too many questions;that is what ur instructor is for. Furthermore, remember that you are at clinicals to learn and you WILL make mistakes in the process. Don't be surpirsed if you screw up ur 1st skill (I know I did). Lastly, make sure you enjoy urself. Learn to always work first, but take a break occasionally. NEVER lack off becuase ur teacher can fail u. I really hope this helps and I wish u the very best of luck on ur clinicals. let us know how it goes.... :):):):nurse::D

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