Published Dec 14, 2007
193 Posts
I hope someone can answer this question: Is the real test much harder than the practice test? I'm taking the dosage calculation test next month and want to gage my chances of passing it. I've taken the practice test and passed with a 100%, but I want to know if the real test is much harder than the practice test. I didn't get a chance to take the class at SCC, so I've been teaching myself how to do the calculations, but I'm really worried! If I don't pass the test, I don't get to start school in August! I have all of the general classes completed for the ADN and BSN, so if I don't start next August I don't know what I'll do. I passed the test for St. Louis Community College with no problem and I'm on the waiting list at Flo Valley, but I really want to go to SCC because I live in St. Peters. Any pointers on passing the test successfully?? Thanks!!
lulu rn
28 Posts
i passed the stlcc with a 100%.
i would say that if you know it enough to pass the practice tests, you know it.
i was worried too, but just google dosage calculations practice tests, and you will find lots.
its just practice.
here is the link for stlccs practice test.
one semester in, i look back, i was freaking out about the dc test, and now i would do anything for that to be my biggest worry.
you'll do fine, just take youre time.
good luck
WDWpixieRN, RN
2,237 Posts
one semester in, i look back, i was freaking out about the DC test, and now i would do anything for that to be my biggest worry.
3 semesters in @ another cc, & wow!! do I agree!!
I passed the Stlcc test with no problem as well, however, the SCCC test will include pediatric and IV calculations, which were not included on the STLCC test. I just wasn't sure how far the test would go into IV calculations, but I was told that I was too far ahead and that what I know should suffice, so I'm okay now. Thanks so much to those who replied!