Spring 2017 UCF Concurrent Nursing

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone!!

I have not seen any threads regarding the upcoming UCF spring 2017 concurrent nursing applications/programs, so here I am! The application window starts two weeks from today, just wondering who else is in the same (stressful) position as myself.

I am a UCF student am applying to both the Seminole State concurrent program and Valencia concurrent program. Feel free to add in your gpa and teas score if you'd like! I plan on taking the TEAS once more August 26th to try to improve my score. Will post my stats on a separate page :)

Hopefully we can all help each other out during this long process!

Thank you ! Am so nervous can you please tell me your grades I have 3.98 overall and 4.0 prerequisites 88 teas !

Ugh I RSVPd the day I got the email and then RSVPd today too because Marelena Cruz emailed again saying the RSVP was needed by 5pm today. And I emailed her and she said she still hasn't got either of them. I'm replying to the acceptance email I wonder what's wrong. Hopefully she'll just take my RSVP from emailing her directly regarding the issue!

Well I think by us accepting the VCC concurrent seat, then it automatically cancels our other application for Seminole if we applied for both. So I don't think we are going to be getting a decision email if we accepted the Valencia seat.

Wow! I say you have nothing to worry about based on those grades!! I have 3.55 VCC gpa and 4.0 science pre req.. 92.7% TEAS

UCF might just be waiting for Seminole to be ready. I've heard You hear from UCF first, which was the case for us VCC people.

I have been checking my emails like 5-10x per day. Tomorrow is the 6 week deadline for SSC/UCF and I am going to Massachusetts this weekend for my niece's christening, I really hope we find out tomorrow.

I was looking this morning Ucf said it takes 6 to 8 to answer (college of nursing Ucf/application process) we probably need to wait more í ½í¸ž

Sarahxo, Yes, I RSVP'd to the first email from the College of nursing as well. I would check with Maralena again to make sure your RSVP is being accepted for sure!


Sorry I'm just seeing this!! I applied on August 5th! So I've been waiting over 2 months already to find out! I am really hoping to get into spring as well!! Let me know if you get your email today! I have been checking like crazy! I hope they actually send them today! Good luck! :)

Yes I got accepted ! Just received an email from Ucf and Seminole today my friends got accepted too

Congratulations!!! :)


O okay. I applied on 8/30 but its saying it was last updated on 9/1/16. When I looked at the health science they said they were accepting for the summer. Hopefully they have some available seats for the spring lol. Because ive heard ppl getting accepted a semester early.

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