Speech required for Advanced Nursing Assistant class?

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Hi all! :) I am just curious, of those of you who've taken an advanced nursing assistant class (120hr) how many of you have had to give a speech? I know it sounds silly but I am deathly afraid of speeches and I start my class tomorrow. I just want to have an idea of what I might be in for. Thanks.


Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I don't think it will be so bad, but, if you are nervous, there are ways to distract yourself. If the instructor lets you, ask if you can sit down, and if not, to not focus on the audience, either look at the paper you are reading from a bit more (but you must look at the audience in order to make a stronger impact). Or, instead of looking right at your audience, look at the wall or the door.

They will probably give you a subject to research on and it would be easy to obtain more opinions from allnurses.com and the internet. Practice reading before a mirror to see how you look while you are speaking or read it before a friend or family. I will say this, an articulate, well spoken and observant CNA is appreciated by staff. Being knowledgable and asking appropiate questions will bring you a long way. I was an aide working in a hospital clinic. I always read and did more than my job. Eventually, they created a program to become nurses where we had full time paid release and paid tuition. I was gone from work for two years with pay, and am now an LPN. That happened because I spoke well and was respected. I am just saying this to encourage you to go through this class. I don't think it will be so bad. Instructors are used to some people having a hard time with speaking, and they should let you know in the beginning what they expect and the content and layout of the presentation. Good luck!

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

And, curious, what do they teach in the advanced CNA class?

If you plan to go on to become an RN, you will find that many programs have a required speech class. So consider this assignment to be good practice. Most people have problems with public speaking and speech classes, so don't feel like you are in the minority in this matter. You will feel so relieved when you have finished the assignment! Remember to reward yourself with something nice for getting it done!

Thank you for your replies. I've taken a speech class and did okay but it's been about 8 years ago. I'm just starting back to school after being out for so long. Hopefully once I give a couple speeches I'll see it's not as bad as I think.

pagandeva2000 - I'm not exactly sure what all is taught in the Advanced class. I just know that it's required before I can work in the hospital.

Again, I appreciate your responses and thanks again for the tips, they will definitely come in handy.


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