Southwest community college spring 2015 hopefuls!

U.S.A. Tennessee


Let's start a new thread for the spring 2015 hopefuls ! Let's share our journey

This really tests how patient we all truly are lol it's ok ladies just go treat yourself to a spa day

Since so many students applied she could be saying Next week to include letters that have to be mailed.

Does anyone know if Southwest calculate index using overall GPA or cumulative?

Hopefully but I'm wouldn't count on hearing anything this week because I asked her a few times just to make sure. I seriously couldn't believe it. I don't think it was the secretary though, it sounded like a student worker.

Specializes in ED/ICU.

Keep hope alive!!! We can't control when they tell us, but can chill and relax before the "fun" begins!! :sleep: Visit as many happy hours and friends as possible before we are (hopefully) consumed in studies

Christmas wish: Please this week :)

Or it could be that those that are in are already notified & letters out next week ?????

I don't think that's the case. Stay positive :-)

Y'all are killing me! Every time something is posted here I get an email that says there has been an update to this thread. The subject line reads: NURSING UPDATE and my stomach drops thinking its SWCC. Lol. I need to go in and option out of emails:)

@alexisw04 trust me I have been positive up until I heard there were 300 applicants

@sunflowers14 I don't get emails I have the app

Wow! Let's hope next week isn't the case! I'm ready to know to get things rolling for sure!

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