Southern Connecticut State University Nursing Program


Anyone else thinking of applying? I was originally at a CC and could have more than likely gotten into the program, but opted to go the BSN route instead (I have previous coursework that met the majority of my LEP requirements).

Anyone else considering the program? OR is anyone else here IN the program? Any advice? I plan on applying for Fall 2013!

Would love any input on the program!

I'm in my first semester in the program here and I absolutely love it. It is definitely a lot more work than I originally thought it would be, but all of the professors are great and accommodating. We have quite a few people in the regular (as in, not ACE) program who are older (have families, are married, etc...) as well as a number who are younger (first 3-4 years in college, etc...), so it's a good mixture.

I got accepted with a 94% on the TEAS and a 3.8 GPA, but there are some people in the program who make you wonder how they got in...they say they take the best 70/80 applicants based on GPA/TEAS score, there is no interview process. I've managed to keep a job, but I only work 15 hours/week.

If you have any more specific questions I'd be happy to help!

Oh wow...thanks for the reply! I was wondering if there was anyone out there lol. Now I'm nervous...I only have a 79.3 TEAS and a 3.7. Maybe time to start thinking about plan B :blackeye:

Oh wow...thanks for the reply! I was wondering if there was anyone out there lol. Now I'm nervous...I only have a 79.3 TEAS and a 3.7. Maybe time to start thinking about plan B :blackeye:

Hello, I am applying to the nursing BSN program at SCSU too. I got the same GPA and TEAS test score as you. I think we have a good chance because one of the adviser's said that the averages for last year were 75% for the TEAS test and a 3.4 GPA. I took the TEAS test this week and it said the program average is 70.6%. There is still hope lol

It's difficult to get a straight answer out of people as to the admission standards at Southern Connecticut. For instance easilyamused claims "I got accepted with a 94% on the TEAS and a 3.8 GPA"

Questions for easilyamused: Was your 3.8 an overall GPA or was it a prerequisite GPA? Also with regard to your 94% TEAS. Since there are 150 questions, that means you got 9 incorrect. On the most recent TEAS, test takers with 14 or fewer incorrect answers scored in the 99th percentile.

Nine incorrect answers on the TEAS is unbelievably good (emphasis on unbelievably). What's you secret?

I am happy to report that I got in!!! I just received my letter from Southern this afternoon! I'm so excited! Several of my school friends got in as well, so it'll be wonderful to have friends in the program at the same time!

Congrats! I have also been accepted :)

Woo hoo!! I'm sure there will be lots of us that are on here I see a future study group coming together lol!

Specializes in Psychiatry, Oncology.

Hi all, I applied for the '14 ACE program and wondering if anyone who attended had a substantial commute. I live in Stamford, so a little concerned about that. At the open house they said it is very difficult and many end up renting something in New Haven. Is it doable?

Thanks a lot.

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