South Suburban College Nursing Program 2011

U.S.A. Illinois


I recently applied for the Spring 2011 Nursing Program at South Suburban College and was Accepted! I am Extremely excited but at the same time nervous. Don't know what to expect!

Any feedback will be appreciated!


Hello All,

I just love Kuffy btw, you're soooo informative. Any who, I was just accepted into the Nursing program for the fall of 2011 and guess what else............ I just found out I am preggo. I know I can do this, I've been waiting on this blessing to become a nurse for a few years now and nothing will slow me down i tell you nothing. I know it's hard work and with God on my side I can go wrong. I do know it's challenging and I can't turn back the hands of time. I'll just have to do this right baby in all. I have support, on the other hand I am sooo excited and ready to kiss my social life goodbye for a while. Thx for listening everyone feel free to respond :-)

Forgot to mention I got accepted to South Suburban college. Also wish I had a chance to have Mrs. Holly Janssen as an instructor. I heard she was Awesome!

Forgot to mention I got accepted to South Suburban college. Also wish I had a chance to have Mrs. Holly Janssen as an instructor. I heard she was Awesome!

congratulation!!!!!! im very happy for you!!!!

Yes I didnt have her as a teacher persay... but she was my 105 lab instructor, and she was really calm and just explained things so well. There are several really good teachers and a few who. lets say avoid like the plague. one Teacher with the initials PK... she is in my opinion, very hard follow, and some really struggle in her class but then again.. your first year is hard and you have to learn so much in so little time, some days you feel like your head wil explode. I loved my 105 teacher initials MS she was hard but she was fair and very very very helpful. I still talk with her, and ask her for help when I get stuck and would direct me to pages in my fundamental book to help me see things more clearly...

Good luck, buckle up you are on a ride of a life time :) and thanks for the nice complement

Anytime, you seem extremely helpful. Good Luck to you as well :-)

BTW thanks for the heads up on some of the teachers. I had Mrs. Black for Med dosage and she was really helpful she doesn't teach first years correct?

No D. Black doesnt she taught 218 which is 4th semester, im in my 3rd semester and hate summer break, I feel like everything I learned is slipping away, so im trying to keep reading and watch videos, most my classes are on line this semester and the one class I have is at the oakforest facility, so unless they have a sim lab for us I wont be at the main building. IF you need any help just hollar. And ask questions, sometime teachers wont elaborate on things, if you dont under stand ask, sometimes they will answer you and sometimes there wont be any time in class but will make time for you in office hours.. use those office hours its why they are there. also use the lab facility too, practice everything. pick people brains... is how you learn everythign you will need to know, make friends with people a semster ahead of you as well, they may have notes and good advice that may save you hours of painful studying.

Ok thanks so much yeah one of my good friends is in her 3rd semester as well her name is Daa Rina. She also told me if I needed any help to let her know. I am also willing to encourage study groups too. Thx a mil Kuffy, you're the best!

I dont know who that is, study groups are good, just make sure that the group you are studing with are do'ers not takers, you will find that some students will jump on the band waggon, before a test or will ask you for a copy of your study guide(if the teacher gives one) because they were too busy with their life to study, its good to give, but you should get in return equal to what you give out. you will spot them a mile away.. also try to avoid the complainers, the school is what it is learn what you need too pass your exams and get out. Life isnt fair, school can seem unfair, OH and number one thing, SIT UP FRONT!!!!! this limits your distractions to only whats going on the side of you... I get to class first day 30 minutes before the doors open sometimes even earlier.. and i run for the front. This works for me because im easily distracted. :)

Lol, Awesome thx for the pointers I will def be ahead of the class.

so.. is nursing school everything we said it would be??? HOw are you holding up? I know you are not in clinicals yet, but you will be soon... dont forget to study study study!

Hi, I was wondering if South Suburban College will admit out of district student if all requirements are fulfilled?


Hey all! I just finished my hesi a2 today with an overall cumulative of 85 (my lowest was 79 in vocab) I am hoping I'll get into the nursing program at south sub and I think I will I have all A's in my other classes with the exception of psy 211 so my gpa is good! Does anyone have any other advice is there any pre reading or things you can do to prepare? I've listened to some friends and taken the medical terminology and nutrition classes but I have to say my teachers were not all that great so I don't feel like they benefitted me at all! Any help would be so greatly appreciated!

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