MUSC Accelerated BSN

U.S.A. South Carolina


Does anyone know if this is a good program? I'm thinking about applying for it for Fall '08, but I don't know anyone who has gone to the school. I would love to know anything from quality of faculty to design of the program to how difficult it is to get accepted. Do most people who start the program graduate? Does anyone work during the program? Really anything would be very appreciated!

Carebear28: I am planning on applying to MUSC for fall 2010. I was wondering what your gpa and sat scores were. I was also wondering if you had any advice for writing the essay.

Congrats CareBear!

nics - My GPA wasn't so good - my undergrad really brought me down and i was so worried. It was only a 2.89, and then my prereqs weren't the best either, 3.3. BUT, I didn't give up and I did my best under the circumstances. I think it's really important to be sure to answer the essay question and be direct about it. 100 words - each word counts. I don't know what helped me to get in, but I am so thankful. I also had 2 of my professors write reccomendations and I think that helped, but I really don't know what they put down on the reference forms.

I think what helped me was that I have had volunteer experience in the ER and I have worked previously in a psych hospital.

THanks for the congrats charlestonsailing!

and those of you who are on the alternate list - I have high hopes that you will get in - many people apply to several schools so they may not necessarily accept. I hope to see some of you in the Spring :)

Thanks for the advice. I just graduated from university of Georgia and I am currently working on pre reqs. I am also worried about my gpa. I am volunteering and getting cpr certified so hopefully that will help me stand out. Congratulations!!

Is anyone familiar with the point system they use to rank your application packet? Is it like 10 points for essay, 40 for pre-req GPA, etc?

Would love to know how they break that down before I apply!!

You can always email the admissions dept. As far as I was told, this is how they break it down (although, it may change):

50% GPA (20% cummulative, 30% prereqs)

35% Essay

10% Recommendations

5% Resume

I plan to call tomorrow to find out what my weak areas were. My undergrad GPA was a 3.0, My prereqs are a 3.5 and I scored a 34 on the ACT. I have a 4.0 on past masters work I have done. My wife who has a journalism degree reviewed my essay. I don't know. Maybe my references weren't the best. Wondering how many alternates there are.

You can always email the admissions dept. As far as I was told, this is how they break it down (although, it may change):

50% GPA (20% cummulative, 30% prereqs)

35% Essay

10% Recommendations

5% Resume

Yikes, that is a lot of emphasis on the essay!

Do you know what exactly they calculate into the pre-req GPA? Because it says 60 credits, I'm assuming at least 30 (15 social science and 17 general electives) will come from most people's first bachelors degree? Do they just take the most recent transferable classes? Or am I misinterpreting that and all they look at is Micro, stats, A&P, and Growth & Dev?

carebear. i would definitely like your help. i applied to the nursing program to the school i am attending, but i would rather go to MUSC. so, i think i am going to move to charleston anyway and reapply. could you email me please? [email protected]

Spoke with the school today. The lady said it was too early to go over specifics or to write off the chance of getting in this year. I was told that there were over 200 applications. 60 selected and 30 alternates. She also didn't tell me where I was on that alternate list.

Apparently there were around 20 selected from out of state who the lady said generally decline admission once they realize the out of state tuition. Basically was told to wait for another month.


Those of you who are one the wait list, don't lose hope! One of my classmates got accepted like 2 weeks before classes started.

(And congrats, CareBear! I'm doin' the happy dance for you!)

I got my letter two days ago, and I got in. Yay.

For those still waiting, good luck!!

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