Published Apr 28, 2012
14 Posts
I was having a pretty nice day today, up until I got that dreaded email. I just dropped everything and almost cried. The three years I had spent at San Diego State University seems wasted. I've completed all my GE requirements and I was just waiting to get accepted so I can further my career path. I've worked hard to earn a cumulative GPA of 3.432 and I passed my TEAs with a score of 85, but I guess that was not enough. I was denied with the same mechanical message, "We regret to inform you...". I'm completely distraught and I've got little will to fix it.
Leaving high school, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to help people in need and hence, decided to pursue nursing. I hadn't a CLUE about what type of nurse I wanted to be, but I know it was within a hospital setting, involving the task of facilitating the care and emotional welfare of patients. I haven't looked much into possible paths because I figured that once I got into the school of nursing, I would be given the opportunity to specialize and what-not.
I'm so confused and depressed now. I'm not sure what I will/can do next. I expected a standard 4/5-year university experienced before earning my degree and working at the hospital.
I'm really confused beyond belief. I want to earn a Bachelor's in Nursing Degree, but I will settle for a quick ASN to RN degree and then work my way up. Would you guys happen to know any other university or colleges in San Diego that I could send my application to as well...?
If you guys can, please give me some advice as to what I should do...? Is waiting the best option? I'm just afraid of investing another year of hard work and a ton of money, only to be rejected once again... I'm really afraid of spending anymore time in college than necessary due to current financial and home-life circumstances. How long does the typical nursing student wait?
I apologize for such a hectic post but I'm quite shaken up.
79 Posts
First of all, breathe. I would suggest trying to bring up your GPA and retake the TEAS for a higher score if you are eligible to do so. Then re-apply to all the nursing programs in your area. I know its expensive, but nursing school is worth the investment. If this is your dream, you should keep on pushing forward to get it. It took me 10 years to get in (I quit school a bunch of times). So keep your head up, you'll get where you want to be as long as you give your everything to get there.
1 Post
Although I am not even at the point of applying to nursing school yet i still have a year left of pre reqs at community college. I do live in San Diego! I intern at palomar hospital in escondido through the clinical career extender program. I don't know if you have ever heard of it! But its an awesome program that gives you a lot of hands on clinical experience. This is beneficial because as far as the points system goes you get a lot for volunteer hours! So this could help you boost up your points! Also i have a couple of friends that just got into nursing school. One of them at channel islands and one in arizona at U of A. Maybe try looking at some different schools. If you're interested in the internship go to and then click on volunteer and read all about it! Good luck with everything and keep your head up because if you want it you will get there some way or another!!
LovedRN, BSN, RN
168 Posts
It happened to me too. I didn't get accepted into BSN program so I went for ADN. Now I am on BSN online program (after I got my RN).
Just so you know ADN schools are not easy to get in either.
I've got a year to wait before I can reapply.. so I can definitely try and improve my GPA, but what classes do you suggest? Would taking random electives just for the sake of increasing my GPA an effective thing to do while I wait? I will definitely try to retake my TEAs. I studied really hard but I'm a horrible test taker and anxiety always gets the best of me.
I've been looking really hard for nursing programs near my area, but it's not turning out so good. Maybe it's this state of panic or something, but everything on Google looks gibberish tonight... I've tried search tags such as "Banchelor's Degree in Nursing in San Diego." Things come up, but they aren't all too helpful. The only colleges I can find that offers a Bachelor's Degree aside from San Diego State are both private schools... I can not afford a private school at this time and I'm really trying to avoid burdening my parents as they already have enough financial problems...
I've honestly haven't got a clue about what to do. I've got all my volunteer hours done too... My family is financially burdened, I was going to try for an ADN and become an RN, working my way up but... I've heard that many colleges that offer the degree places you on a waiting list of 2-3 years? Also.. Is it true that you stop receiving financial aid after four years...? If that is the case, I don't know how I can make due.
Thank you for replying...Your comments do help. A lot.
missnurse01, MSN, RN
1,280 Posts
You are in an area that is highly impacted-lots of people wanting to go into nursing-not a lot of spots available. You can always look further out like the other poster said-other cities or even states. don't limit yourself to bsn, adn will get you there and you can continue on and do bsn. do everything you can to be a good applicant, learn how to be a good test taker, retake any non A science classes or those prereqs that count in your score for the RN application. Get your CNA, go work-or LPN, or emt or paramedic. There are a million things you can do. It took me a long time too, 15 years ago, in so cal. I imagine it's much worse.
Talk to your school about financial aide-there is a limit of how many credits you can take to complete your degree. Most people don't hit it, but I did when I went back for my bachelor's.
If it comes down to it a private school or acclerated program might cost more but at least you might have a better chance at getting in.
good luck!
139 Posts
I'm so sorry that you got rejected. But if you know in your heart of hearts that nursing is the career for you, you cannot let this little bump in the road beat you down. You must get back up and try again.
I know what you're going through because it took THREE tries (count that, THREE years) for me to get into nursing school and I know others who have waited far longer than I have to get in as well. So please, don't be disheartened.
I would say that if you are planning to raise your GPA, it would be very beneficial for you to retake classes that are direct prerequisites towards nursing, such as Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Microbiology, etc. By doing this and reapplying next year, you will show the current nursing school that rejected you how truly serious you are about nursing.
Secondly, if you are looking to give more reasons for nursing schools to accept you, don't just volunteer at medical settings, but see if you can get a part-time, entry level work in the hospital setting as well. The easiest way to do this is by becoming a CNA. This would earn you a lot of points with nursing schools because a CNA works directly with nurses and will show your prospective schools that you have the life experience to become a strong nursing student. This may also help out with your financial situation.
I hope that my advice will be helpful to you in some way. Reading your thread truly hit home for me because I felt the same way last year after I have been denied a third time by my university of choice. But by doing all of the things that I have advised you to do, I have now been accepted by my school of choice and will be starting in Winter 2013.
Best of luck to you!
Thank you again, for your lovely replies. Maybe my head's just not into it tonight, I'm finding much of this information helpful but very scary as well. Helpful in that they give me options but scary because it seems like I have to work so much harder and still, there is a chance of failure.
I can't retake many of my classes because SDSU's policy only permits you taking courses in which you scored C- or lower. I haven't received a single C on my transcript... so that's a problem. As for an does that work? Are the classes different in that I would have to retake many of them...? Are there usually waiting lists? Same of CNA...? I'm trying to get out of school as fast as possible to help out my parents... but things aren't looking so good...
I'm sorry for asking so many questions. I'm the first one to go to college in my family and I feel like a complete and utter failure. I've received no prior information about any of this and it's so hard to grasp all of this without direct help....
This might be a weird and awkward request... But if any of you more experienced individuals live within the US... I would love to call and ask you some questions. I'm sorry for such a crude and banal request. I'm just so desperate at this point.
60 Posts
I also got rejected. I am depressed and confused about what I should do next. I worked extremely hard to earn my grades, but I guess my hard work was not enough. I was advise to retake my prerec's, but honestly I really don't want to. Let's be realistic, I worked so hard for that B in a span of 3 months, how does my adivsor expect me to get a A in 6 weeks?? I really don't want to think about anything...I hope both of us can eventually move past this difficult period of our life. It is always hard to be denied of something you love to do. Being rejected discourages/cripples you to the point you don't even want to try anymore. I don't know about you, but that is how I am feeling right now.
distraught-sent you a pm
distraught and biglaughter- it is hard to get into school right now, there is no doubt about it. I advise getting a job in a hosp that has tution reimbursement so you can work now, and get paid to take classes. It will look good on application and give you great experience. You would have to do cna or pct course, which is usually short. some ERs also take emt/paramedics as techs. look around you. there are also other jobs like monitor techs, that require a short bit of school to get a job in a hosp. look at openings at hosp to get ideas.
biglaughter-yes, they expect you to get a's. they expect you to learn how to study to get them. RN school will be more info thrown at you then in a&p, you have to prove that you can keep up. If you want to get in then you have to do anything to get in-if that means studying everyday, getting tutors, doing group study with fellow classmates-you have to show that you will do whatever you have to to get in, and to succeed in class.
they admit committee's aren't saying you are never going to be a nurse-they are saying that there are people that have been grades or experience than you, and they got in ahead of you.
work now, retake classes, volunteer, be a first responder! there are a ton of things to do that make you look good.
sappy as it is, you are the only person that can give up on your dream.
good luck
I feel the exact same way.. It is such a hard obstacle to overcome...
Missnurse and anyone who is willing to coax me through this... Please send me your numbers through a private message. It's not letting me reply as I haven't reached the 15 thread limit yet...
distraight, I know exactly how you are feeling. You worked so hard for the past few years hoping to get accepted into the nursing program and continue your studies, but instead we were rejected. Even though people may say it is not the end of the world, but let me tell something, it sure does feel like on. It seems like a dead-end to me. I know eventually we will be able to overcome this, but as of right now, it is so so so hard, no matter how many people try to comfort you..all you think is about is negative thoughts. Its seems like a you are constantly fighting to pull yourself out of the black hole....