So Frustrated!

U.S.A. California


I know that the job market at the moment is pretty bleak for new grads... and most hospitals want at least 1 year experience .. I just can't for the life of me figure out how anyone is suppose to get at least a year experience when no hospital is willing to hire new grads...

Long term care and then to hospital?

Ya, I guess I'll just have to get a job anywhere I can... its so frustrating I have over 2100 hours of clinical experience as a student nurse .. I feel like they place that 1 year experience as a qualification, however, some new grads actually can handle being hired into a unit without prior experience outside of the student realm... LTC is probably what I will do if I have too though...

Nursing home requires experience too. So far I have already tried for more than 30 LTC in Los Angeles. Got nothing yet

Ya, I guess I'll just have to get a job anywhere I can... its so frustrating I have over 2100 hours of clinical experience as a student nurse .. I feel like they place that 1 year experience as a qualification, however, some new grads actually can handle being hired into a unit without prior experience outside of the student realm... LTC is probably what I will do if I have too though...

I know being Bilingual helps a lot in California..

Specializes in CCRN, House Sup, CCT, Unit Director, ICU.

I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but there ARE jobs for new grads in Southern California. You just have to get off the beaten path, ie look in other hospitals besides the large ones which advertise new grad programs (which means thousands of new grads will apply).

How I got my first RN job:

-had my sights set on a particular specialty from day one, and geared everything in my resume towards it

-put together certifications for my specialty (acls, pals, ekg, wound care) and joined ANA, AACN, ENA

-called SMALL hospitals, asked to speak to the unit directors in (insert specialty floor)

-spoke to unit directors directly and inquired about RN positions

-discussed my certifications and goals (getting an MSN, CCRN, etc)

These tips landed me INTERVIEWS, and I got a job right off the bat in ICU with a great orientation.

I hope this helps someone.

ICUSkeenRN, thanks for the tips. I guess I do have to broaden my search. I didn't even know it was possible to be hired into ICU as a new grad! You have given me hope, I just need to work at it...thanks again :)
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