Published Jan 1, 2009
6 Posts
Any and all of you who are considering quitting smoking, I encourage you to act on that desire as it is really is an attainable goal. The first few weeks are the most difficult. After that, it gets easier. You'll feel so good about yourself...and will save a lot of money. Just think about tossing a five dollar bill (or more) out the car window every time the thought of buying a pack of smokes enters your mind. The candy-coated mint flavored gum worked best for me. That recommendation came from a health care worker who made a presentation to a group of teenage boys in a mental health facility I was doing a clinical rotation in. He had tried to quit many times, had a heart attack in his 40's, then developed emphysema. Finally his doctor, whom he had known for many years, told him point blank that he might as well not come back if he continued to smoke. He had a few "slips", which are not considered failure or "relapse" any more. Every day is a new day....just take it one day at a time.
Good luck. Give it a try.'ll be so glad you quit. Happy New Year!!!!
230 Posts
Thanks,Rose petal,for your kind words of encouragement. I'm trying to quit smoking and need all the help I can get ! Happy healthy new year !
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,398 Posts
I had extremely good luck with Chantix, but it is not for everyone, some significant warnings etc.. fortunately i did not have any of them...... This sounds so "little" but cigarettes have been much harder to kick before Chantix than anything else .. I have kicked.... of course I did not choose to apply any of the 12 steps that were a God send in others..... hum??