Published Aug 27, 2013
nursehaley91, BSN, RN
74 Posts
Okay, so maybe it's a little more than a small rant. I work in LTC, more specifically an assisted living facility. I love what I do, and I just adore my residents but I'm becoming increasingly burned out. I work third shift which is only staffed by nurses at our facility. 1 nurse per floor (3 floors) and occasionally we will have a floater if staffing permits it (or our administrator deems us worthy enough for extra help) I'm constantly under fire because Im considered one of their "strongest nurses." I've been at the facility as a nurses aide and now a nurse for 4 years and it's only gone down hill. We are coming under fire more and more by state whether it's because of failing inspections or families reporting certain nurses. Management does not have a handle on the situation, my DON is more concerned of a better title for our Nurses aides than actually fixing the issues WITH our Nurses aides. Med errors are being covered up by the favorites, I constantly feel as if I'm putting my license on the line when we have to do our care plans. I will submitted my rough draft to my DON, she will change it completely and make me type and sign it. We have numerous residents who belong in skilled and yet here they are, not receiving the proper care they need AND DESERVE yet are paying $3,000+ a month to stay with us. Recently we had a lady who I was convinced was having mini strokes, I brought it up to day shift and then my DON who looked me dead in the eyes and said "oh really, and you became an MD when?" A month later the lady had a massive stroke and is now on a feeding tube in skilled. I'm sorry for this major rant. But is all LTC this bad?! Am I just so burned out I'm only seeing the negative? I feel like ripping my hair out some days
111 Posts
Five months as new nurse at LTC. At my facility, it seems that all that matters is 'what state will say'.......I am getting tired of it. Example: have a resident who has some dementia along with other issues who is completely dependent on staff. He most often sits in his wheel chair out side the nurse's station and watches the action. Once or twice a day he will go a 15-20 minute tirade ..'help me.' Being his nurse, I offer him water, crackers/snack...a push up the hall for change of scenery...sometimes he is just tired and needs to lie down. I have only seen the other employees such as the activities director, social worker, office staff, and even DON try to sooth or call him about twice in five month. Once when state was in and then it was 'bring him to the back lobby now!" and two when state was in for a recheck and it was 'bring him to the back lobby now!" I am dissolutioned to the point of tears. I feel your pain! Someone give me hope!
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
I am saddened by your story of the DON saying to take the demented man away. We don't act that way in my facility. We try to figure out what the person wants....what is causing their behavior. We have team meetings to try to come up with a workable plan. Of course we are concerned with what the DPH thinks, but we do the right thing every day so when they ARE in the building, it's just another day. I spend at least half of my day on the units with the staff and the residents. We honestly try to give the best care possible every day. Not all SNF's are bad.