Published Feb 14, 2014
365 Posts
I cannot keep working nights!! I don't know how you night time veterans do it. I cannot do it, and it's not that I have trouble staying up during my shift.
I can work all night, come home and fall right asleep. When I get woke up for whatever reason-dogs, bladder, etc-I don't care if I've only slept for 3 hrs, I CANNOT go back to sleep. This is a problem only when I have to go back in to work that night.
If I do not have to go back, I can fall back asleep no problem. And sleep and sleep and sleep!
I've tried taking benedryl if I have to go back to work thinking id fall back asleep or better, not wake up until time. Nope.
It's not that I'm afraid I'll over sleep-I feel like I wouldn't even worry if I didn't even set my alarm because at the very least my bladder will wake me up by 3pm, easy. I attribute this due to the fact I usually don't get a chance to drink my water until on my way home. So I've been trying very hard to drink water and pee more regularly during my shift. Doesn't always happen..
Any how-I can't keep working all night, getting 3-5hrs of sleep and have to go back for another all nighter at work. It's killing me!!
Any one else plagued by this phenomenon?
947 Posts
Yes this occasionally happens to me. I started nights around August, and was sometimes I get home and can't sleep or sleep an hour or 2 and wake up and can't go back to sleep. I've tried melatonin, and it made me jittery and shaky when I woke up and felt that way for several hours.
not sure what to tell you, but you are not alone.
Ugh.. What is this!!
Well hopefully I'll be in days in the OR soon!
A year on nights is enough for me!
I'd had all me's can stand and me's can't stand no more!
Good luck to you, and mad kuddos to those that do it and want to stay on noc