Skilled Nursing Facility grossly understaffed, only on night shift, unsafe. What 2 do


  1. What would you do/what have you done?

    • 8
      Quit and find a new job immediately. Your license is at stake.
    • 6
      Tell your DON you will quit if the issue is not corrected.
    • 9
      File a complaint with the state public health safety regulators.
    • 3
      Stick it out. All nursing jobs are like this, and you need to work.

26 members have participated

I am a new nurse at long term care/ skilled nursing facility in California. Every night shift is grossly understaffed: 85-90 patients with 2 nurses and only 3 CNAs. People are dirty for lOng periods of time, dementia patients are wandering unsafely, and people are not repositioned as often as they should be. Administration has been notified with no solutions or anything to fix the problem. Because the managers and directors only work day shifts, so they never see a short staffed issue. The night shift suffers. I am ready to quit, as I fear that I am working in a unsafe environment that could cost me my nursing license r/t a patient injury of some type. What, if anything to do? I am ready to quit come Monday morning. It seemed like such a nice job before the staffing got to be do unreasonable.

Specializes in ICU.
I am a new nurse at long term care/ skilled nursing facility in California. Every night shift is grossly understaffed: 85-90 patients with 2 nurses and only 3 CNAs. People are dirty for lOng periods of time, dementia patients are wandering unsafely, and people are not repositioned as often as they should be. Administration has been notified with no solutions or anything to fix the problem. Because the managers and directors only work day shifts, so they never see a short staffed issue. The night shift suffers. I am ready to quit, as I fear that I am working in a unsafe environment that could cost me my nursing license r/t a patient injury of some type. What, if anything to do? I am ready to quit come Monday morning. It seemed like such a nice job before the staffing got to be do unreasonable.

I was in you position once and did not have second thoughts of quitting. It was not worth it for me. D

Is there an A, B, and C option? I would do all three.

Specializes in Dialysis.

This is typical for the LTC I work for 2 night RNs with 60 patients each... one set of them are Alz patients. 1 CNA per 30 patients at night.

Daytime is different. 2-3 CNA per 30, 1 LPN per 30. 1 treatment nurse per 60 and 1 charge.

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