I am a single mom with two young kids,3 yrs and 7 months. I started nursing school in January and I start my first clinical rotation (LTC) next week. Just need some advice and encouragement to succeed in nursing school. I have absolutely no help/support.Dad lives in another country and no family around. My only friend is also a nursing student with three young kids (actually had a baby last week).
I have not really connected with anyone in class so I am pretty much on my own. I am currently enrolled in fundamentals.I didn't do great on my first exam, and I failed my second exam. I got a 72,passing score is 75. I didn't study until the night before the test.I can't really study until nightime when the kids are in bed and sometimes I am just sooooooo tired.
So can anyone give me some advice on how to make this work? study tips, how to pass clinicals and exams and maybe some books that can help.
Sometimes I feel like I am not getting it and I fear that I may not be able to do this but I do want to do this particularly for my kids.
Anyway, I will appreciate any feedback.