Sicu Vs Ticu


Specializes in MICU.

I recently have one year experience in TCU, and will be starting an ICU training program in Feb. I am offered a position in SICU/Trama ICU after completion of the program.The SICU/TICU manager told me that I needed to pick either one before the program started. So, my question is which one should I choose. What are their differences? Thank you for all the inputs.


Specializes in SICU.

The best person to ask that question to, is the manager. Different hospitals organize their ICU's in different ways. The most basic difference between SICU and TICU is that in a TICU you will have gun shot, stabbing, MVA and possibly burns. In a SICU you can have cardiac ( LVADS, RVADS, balloon pumps), neuro (EVD's), transplants and major abdominal surgery pts. However, what that particular SICU/TICU covers would have to be answered by that hospital. Good luck in which ever you chose.

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