SICU Nurses..i need your help (interview)


Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.


I have an interview coming up on SICU and i was wondering if there are any questions that i should ask in particular about the unit? Ive only done 2days as an offsite rotation in clinical , and i really enjoyed it so thats all the experience I have with it.

I just want to be prepared and confident :) I would really like this position as well!

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.

I have an interview coming up on SICU and i was wondering if there are any questions that i should ask in particular about the unit? Ive only done 2days as an offsite rotation in clinical , and i really enjoyed it so thats all the experience I have with it.

I just want to be prepared and confident :) I would really like this position as well!

*** I am assuming you are a new grad? I would ask about how they train new grads. Can you expect to work with the same one or two preceptors? Do they have a nurse residency program or other structured training programs? What kind of patient population? Open hearts? Neuro? Trauma? What kind of threapies are typical in the unit? CRRT? IABP? ICP monitoring? How long before they expect new nurses to float to other units? WHat other units are SICU nurses responsible to float to? What protocals / standing orders are in place for the unit? What is the physician coverage during the day? Night? Are nurses laid off for low cencus? If so how often typicaly?

Good Luck!

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.
*** I am assuming you are a new grad? I would ask about how they train new grads. Can you expect to work with the same one or two preceptors? Do they have a nurse residency program or other structured training programs? What kind of patient population? Open hearts? Neuro? Trauma? What kind of threapies are typical in the unit? CRRT? IABP? ICP monitoring? How long before they expect new nurses to float to other units? WHat other units are SICU nurses responsible to float to? What protocals / standing orders are in place for the unit? What is the physician coverage during the day? Night? Are nurses laid off for low cencus? If so how often typicaly?Good Luck!
Soon to be grad yes! Great questions thanks!
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