Published Jun 11, 2024
3 Posts
Hey everyone! I took my NCLEX-RN this morning at 8am and am currently experience "post-NCLEX syndrome" where I am spiraling thinking I failed the test. It shut off at 85 questions and I tried the PVT and got the "good pop up". Wondering if anyone has any insight on if this is promising and how accurate the PVT is ?
Also does anyone know how long it takes the NY BON to upload licenses ?
Thanks! 😊
4 Posts
I took mine yesterday, it shut off at 85, tried the trick and got the "good pop-up" too but it took my $ first and refunded it a few hours later. That freaked me out! I read before you should use an expired card to try, but that doesn't work anymore. So my valid one went thru but I got no indication of picking new test dates or anything. Just the pop up and it went back to the pay screen. And as I said, I was refunded. Seems like a positive sign, but still worried. Tomorrow will be 48 hours so I can check the quick results. Nothing showing up on the BON here in Illinois either.