i shouldnt have laughed

Nurses Humor


i was in a patients room helping an assitant (not mine) put a patient on a cart. i got my assistant to help and as we were pulling her she shit all over the place.

she was the kind of patient who makes up for her lack of orientation in the volume of her sound. she would scream nonsense out into the halls. one thing she like to yell was WATER...GET ME SOME WATER...

you could have stood there forever giving her water. In between the gulps she was screaming she needed water.

The other patients and family members thought we were keeping her prisoner and abusing her.

So my assistant and I are waiting for the other to come back with some linnens and the woman of course, asks for water. my assistant looks at her and says NO. im just standing there wondering what??? And this old woman is also astonished. She stops puckering to scream W A T E R again but realizes the resoponse is different so she looks right at my assistant and asks WHY?

this is the FIRST bit of sense she made since her admission three days ago. i am amazed by the scene thats playing before my eyes.


i couldnt believe my assitant said that.

i didnt know what to do for a minute. then i just turned around and walked out of the room. i thought i would pizz myself.

I was about 8 years old, really dehydrated and NPO for days with IVF's going, having every horrid test imaginable performed on my poor self, when one morning, I'm woken up by a really pleasant, pretty student nurse (being a fequent flier, I even knew she was an RN student, because they wore different uniforms) holding a humongous tray of food.

I thought, pinch me, I'm dreaming! :D and she sat me up, said, "Ready?" and started FEEDING me!! I was ecstatic! She was an angel

Heck, this was excellent! Finally! Food, and Company!! I didn't even play my usual game of try-to-figure-out-how-to-evade-the-blood-draw....I just ate like a horse.

We get about halfway done, and she hands me the spoon, says, "OK, you try," which was fine with me. She seemed pleased that I got the spoon to my lips. After a few bites, she left....

I kept eating....

Suddenly she's back with 3 of the other students, and says, "What's your name honey?" I paused long enough to tell her while the students stood in the doorway howling with laughter. :rotfl: Suddenly her expression changed from pleasant to pi**ed. :stone

Of course, she was feeding the wrong patient. But boy, was I ever grateful she did... :lol2: :kiss

One post op patient (not mine) keeps asking for water. Patient was NPO until am. Pateint keeps asking water to everybody, when I passed by his room he called me in and ask for water. Told him we have strict orders from his doc that he cant have anything until am. Patient told me that a doctor "and I'm not naming names told me that I will get poor service here at night" I looked him straight in and told him, "Thats ok, we have the same opinions on those same doctors." and walked out. I was just going to sneak him some ice chips, I guess not.

I just went to his nurse and told her what happened. I also talked to our manager about what happened just in case the patient will complain that I was rude, our manager told me "good job, if the docs think that the patient will get poor care, why send their patients here?"

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