Should i be terrified of nursing school?


I was doing respiratory therapy and for some reason i couldn't hang. so i dropped out of the program and decided to get into nursing. i have seen people who have bills, kids, etc. get threw with school but yet i have a difficult time when i have no obligations. Now come to find out i cant receive fin aid and the money is coming out my parents pocket. the thought of me failing in nursing bought tears to my eyes today. i want this. i rather die if i cant succeed. i know in nursing there is alot of reading/studying. how do one grasp all that information in a short period of time. any advice?

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

It is a lot of material and my best advice is just to focus on reading your chapters every single night. I would also do some soul searching and figure out where you went wrong with Resp. Therapy school because that may help you decide whether or not you will be successful in nursing school. Good luck.

I was doing respiratory therapy and for some reason i couldn't hang.

what do you think you did wrong? What did you have trouble with? If you don't mind my asking that is.

what do you think you did wrong? What did you have trouble with? If you don't mind my asking that is.

honestly i dont believe i was fully committed

I think commitment it key. There's so much more, though. Not to scare you, but just hopefully a helpful example...a student in my first semester program was so passionate about becoming a nurse and I think she thought she worked very hard. Toward the middle of the semester, it was looking bad for her grade-wise. I ended up helping her, and saw the problem. It was difficult to explain, though, and I still wonder if maybe I didn't do well enough at helping her.

It was as though her mind was so "busy" with everything going on-I mean, we were sitting there studying Pharm, and instead of FOCUSING on pharm, she's focusing on what she didn't know about a certain concept. It was one problem after another in her mind, and she was overwhelmed. Most of the time I didn't know the particular answer (I was studying it too, to hopefully get to know), but I couldn't effectively study with her. Too much chaos. Yet, she was really nice.

So far, I've earned straight As. It's not that I'm any smarter than my friend I just mentioned, or more dedicated. I love nursing, and am honored to be able to study it, but I do see a pattern with those who work as hard as me, but don't get good grades or even pass. Instead of working through one page/one concept at a time with clear focus and no distractions (even from self), they're with lots else on their minds and likely working like crazy without even thinking. For hours maybe.

It's pretty easy to find all the study "rules", as I've seem some topics about studying on this site. You do need to find a style that works for you, but I really think it's about staying positive and keeping focused, no matter the style.

Hopefully my experience helps you, as it sounds you're very driven. Take it easy, though, and be positive and relaxed. That's important. Good luck!

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