Should I tell the hiring manager??


Hi all!! :monkeydance: I have a question... I have an interview on a VERY BUSY med-surg unit in a few days. I really need this job. Recently, I was diagnosed as diabetic. :cry: Good news is, the doctor says at this point it is mild and can be controlled with diet and exercise. I am on NO medication for it at this stage. HOWEVER, I have to eat a little something every few hours to keep the glucose levels stable. I tend to get hypoglycemic with it. I don't have to sit down, just need like 5 minutes or so to scarf down my nutrient bar or a yogert.

This unit is INSANELY BUSY. I have shadowed on it and the RN I was with, NEVER took a break for the 8 plus hours I was there. I finally had to ask if I could have a second to wolf a sandwich down.

Here is the question.... do I need to tell the RN unit manager in my interview that I am diabetic and need to eat every few hours?? I am fine as long as I eat a little something, but if I don't I get "whirly-bird" :bugeyes: and feel like I am going to go PLOP! :sstrs: I don't have to sit down, just need like 5 minutes or so to scarf down something. Should I say anything?? I don't want to alarm her and I really need the job, BUT I do need to have time throughout the shift to grab a snack every once in a while (I was not diabetic in nursing school... this is something that was recently discovered).


I would have to agree with all the other posters, I would not tell during the interview. I probably wouldn't tell even after I was hired. My teenage daughter is diabetic and we manage with diet and exercise. As a teenager, she doesn't like to be fussed over and certainly doesn't want her friends to know about her condition. Her teachers know and the office at school is aware of it in case of emergency. Keep handy snacks that you can eat on the go. Always have the emergency glucose tablets and you will be fine. Over time, you will be able to tell when you need to eat something and quick. Simply take a quick bathroom break, cram a snack and keep it moving. Good luck on the interview!

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