Hi all!! :monkeydance: I have a question... I have an interview on a VERY BUSY med-surg unit in a few days. I really need this job. Recently, I was diagnosed as diabetic. Good news is, the doctor says at this point it is mild and can be controlled with diet and exercise. I am on NO medication for it at this stage. HOWEVER, I have to eat a little something every few hours to keep the glucose levels stable. I tend to get hypoglycemic with it. I don't have to sit down, just need like 5 minutes or so to scarf down my nutrient bar or a yogert.
This unit is INSANELY BUSY. I have shadowed on it and the RN I was with, NEVER took a break for the 8 plus hours I was there. I finally had to ask if I could have a second to wolf a sandwich down.
Here is the question.... do I need to tell the RN unit manager in my interview that I am diabetic and need to eat every few hours?? I am fine as long as I eat a little something, but if I don't I get "whirly-bird" and feel like I am going to go PLOP! :sstrs: I don't have to sit down, just need like 5 minutes or so to scarf down something. Should I say anything?? I don't want to alarm her and I really need the job, BUT I do need to have time throughout the shift to grab a snack every once in a while (I was not diabetic in nursing school... this is something that was recently discovered).