Published Jan 22, 2008
2 Posts
I need some insight on whether or not to a take some classes this summer. I'm in a 2.5-year nursing program for my associates, which is affiliated with a community college to take my prerequisites. Anyway, I'm taking a&p 1 this spring semester and hopefully planning on starting my nursing classes next fall. In order to start, im deciding on taking microbiology in summer 1 and then a&p 2 in summer 2. (with that in mind I have to do well in my a&p 1 class of course) but my question to everyone is if it is doable. It will probably be a 4-day class each week in a short period of time w/ lectures and labs. i hear that it will be rough squeezing those classes with so much information. I believe im capable of working hard and determined to finish all my science prereqs before starting nursing. How is the study load and how will it affect my social life? Any insights and experiences will be helpful.
Thanks a lot.
55 Posts
A&P 2 and Micro over the summer....sorry, but what social life???:rotfl:
Just kidding, I took A&P 1 and 2 last summer. It was doable but very stressful. You will have to study around the clock. For exaple for A&P 2 we had full lecture notes on Wed that were on our final the next day.
I am a night owl and hate going to bed early, but I made it a point to get at least 7 hours a night so that I would be awake in class and able to remember some of the info. I forced myself to really pay attention in class, no daydreaming or drifting off whatsoever, and I feel that it really helped me. I tried to do an outline combining both the lecture notes and textbook and studied from that. I also really like the Cliff notes series (Quick review) books that condense the subject matter. In the end I got A's in both classes and I worked full time throughout.
I think that if you really set your mind to it you will succeed, but you may have to put your social life on hold. The only relaxation I got was going to the beach, but even then I brought my books with me. On the upside you will have 2 difficult classes completed in a short period of time. Good luck!
178 Posts
I'm a firm believer in that nothing is impossible. That being said, that is a big load to take over the summer. Are you working full time? Do you have other obligations that need to be met as well (family?). If you are a single non-working person then yes that is very doable. If you are working full time, have a large family that needs to be tended to, it could prove rough at some times.
Good luck though. I'm taking AP 2 right now and working full time with a full time gf and have little to no time for myself lately (well I guess studying is for myself).
83 Posts
I took A&P 2 and Micro at the same time...and I took them both as hybrid courses...
This saved me driving time and "wasted" time sitting in the classroom...You have to be verrrrry disciplined to study on your own.
I scheduled time with a room with no distractions as if I were in class that way I didn't get behind.
I chose hybrids instead of all online classes because I need some face to face interaction with the professors so that I can ask questions that are better explained in person.
It's very do-able and I did it b/c I was determined to finish all pre-reqs before entering nursing too....I mean nursing school is going to be hard enough without extra courses
good luck!
191 Posts
Wow, good someone said earlier, nothing is impossible, especially if you put your mind to it. I'm taking both A&P 2 and Micro right now, with two other classes, and its a challenge, but at the same time it is a full semster so I'm able to have a little bit of juggling room here and there but not much. I know with summer semesters your in class everyday, but if your taking one at a time it should not be that bad at all, I say go for it. Stay focused and don't let it get away from you. And another thing, if I were you I would take A&P 2 first since you will have finished A&P 1 this semester, that way everything will still be fresh. Good luck!
221 Posts
If you have no other obligations taking an intercession course can be helpful.
Personally I'm a fast learner and I don't mind studying for 7 hours a day when I've got no other obligations.
As a result, I enjoy intercession courses because I can work through the course at a pace that lets me get through the work quickly. On top of this I have an easier time recalling the information for tests as it's still fresh in my head.
Not everyone's like this, but it's something to consider. Just be prepared to put in the effort if you decide you're going to take some of the hardest pre-req's for an ASN over an intercession term.
57 Posts
you can definitely do that!! i took a & p 2 last summer and i'm taking micro this spring. you prolly have much free time with such a big work load but you should definitely be able to accomplish your goals!
14 Posts
If you have no other obligations taking an intercession course can be helpful.Personally I'm a fast learner and I don't mind studying for 7 hours a day when I've got no other obligations.As a result, I enjoy intercession courses because I can work through the course at a pace that lets me get through the work quickly. On top of this I have an easier time recalling the information for tests as it's still fresh in my head.Not everyone's like this, but it's something to consider. Just be prepared to put in the effort if you decide you're going to take some of the hardest pre-req's for an ASN over an intercession term.
I totally agree! I'd rather knock out with intersession classes...Right now im taking Ap2 lecture, lab, and micro, pre cal, and a fine arts class at the same time. But right during winter break I had took AP1 lecture and Lab intersession in a 2 weeks period. In the end, I think I did really well considering it was a 2 week course. I felt like I learned so much better because it was one of those situations where you knew what you had to do and what you got yourself into you know. Right now I feel like im behind or something is missing because all my classes are going soooo slow and I was used to that fast learning during the break. But hey as of right now ap2 lecture, lab, and micro is totally doable..just got to put in the mind and time!
Determined Virgo
6 Posts
Like the other's have already said NOTHING is impossible. I just finished taking A&P2 and Microbiology in the fall. Yes it is a big load and it is going to require a lot of studying, but if you can get yourself a study partner and be committed to studying you can do it.
GOOD LUCK,:cheers:
362 Posts
I would say that depends on you, your study habits, your other commitments, etc. You will certainly get a feel for how much time is required for A&P1, and then consider that you will have to condense that into about a 1/3 of the time (or less) for summer, plus micro can be a significant commitment of time. I took micro and physio (my school offered 5 units of anatomy and 5 units of physio as separate classes) at the same time and got As, but it was hard.
You might also consider how grades will factor in to your acceptance. Here, grades are a significant measure, so getting As in the core bio (as well as most other classes) can mean getting in or not. Also, here we have to complete the core bio before even hoping to get in. Good luck.
8 Posts
It is doable....I did it last summer...AP2 and Micro at the same time. I didn't really have a social life at the sucked, but you really need to prioritize. was a no brainer....I wanted to get all the pre-reqs done, so I did it. You just need to discipline yourself, and make it happen. It's a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end.
Good luck.