Published Jul 2, 2017
28 Posts
Hey everyone,
I just graduated from UConn with a non-nursing degree and have been looking into many ABSN programs. My main concern is my grades. I graduated with a 3.3 since I hadn't developed efficient study habits early on and also went through a bit of a tough time personally junior year. I've listed my pre-req grades below. Do you think I should retake anything to increase my chances?
A & P 1: B
A & P 2: A
Chem 1 and 2: C+
Biology 1: B-
Stats: B-
Psych 1: B
Research Methods: A
Human Development: Not taken
Microbio: Not taken
Genetics: Not taken
Most of the pre-reqs were taken early in my undergraduate career. I know I can ace the last three left to take. If it helps, I've held employment all four years ranging from retail, administrative work, to being a Resident Assistant. On top of that I've also engaged in a few leadership positions on campus. Lastly, I have patient contact experience through a substance abuse clinic (not CNA or PCA experience).
Thanks for your help in advance!
482 Posts
I wouldnt retake any classes just yet. Finish up your prerequisites, apply to a couple of programs and see if you get accepted. If you DONT, then retake the chem classes.