Should I include the job I quit at 4 months in my resume?
Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
I quit my new grad nursing job at 4 months in. Left due to very toxic work environment, and was intervening with my learning experience and ruining my mental health. I am now trying to apply for another new grad nurse jobs specifically in pediatrics, should I list my first nursing job I left at 4 months on my resume? Other than that I just have non-patient care related work experience.
I quit my new grad nursing job at 4 months in. Left due to very toxic work environment, and was intervening with my learning experience and ruining my mental health. I am now trying to apply for another new grad nurse jobs specifically in pediatrics, should I list my first nursing job I left at 4 months on my resume? Other than that I just have non-patient care related work experience.
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