Published Nov 19, 2024
1 Post
Hi everyone,
I'm exploring nursing programs around Portland, and I'm hoping to get some advice! I haven't started my prerequisites yet, but I'm planning to aim for a 4.0 in them. However, my undergraduate GPA wasn't great (less than a 4.0)—does anyone know if that will negatively affect my chances for admission, or do schools primarily focus on prerequisite grades and CNA hours?
I'm also wondering about the value of working as a CNA 1 versus CNA 2. Would working as a CNA 2 be significantly better for my application, or is CNA 1 experience generally sufficient?
I'd really appreciate any insights about nursing school options in the area, especially regarding admissions and how to make my application as strong as possible.
Thanks in advance for your help
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,378 Posts
If you have specific questions about getting accepted based on grades I would contact the school you are interested in. They have employees who are specifically there to help students and assess their situation. Different schools may have different standards for admission.
FullGlass, BSN, MSN, NP
2 Articles; 1,884 Posts
Nurse practitoner is my second career. I had a successful business career before becoming an NP. My initial undergrad GPA was horrible! LOL I had a lot of family and personal issues when I was young. However, on my nursing prereqs I had something like a 3.96 GPA. In my nursing school admissions essays, I addressed my initial bad GPA in broad terms (no need to go into gory details). I also pointed out that my successful business career and most recent GPA in the nursing prereqs are the best indicators of my academic potential. My business career also provided important transferable skills and life experience, blah, blah. I got into Johns Hopkins, UCLA, and Hahn, as well as a consortium program in SoCal from the Calif State Colleges in the region (I am in Calif). Good luck!