Published Sep 26, 2011
1 Post
I just started nursing school in August.
Solid B's so far, but I failed my first math exam. (92%)
I've failed two check offs. Re-did one and passed it the second time.
Wondering if it's worth it.
Yeah, I'm super depressed and questioning everything.
I know I can handle the bodily fluids, worked as a CMA since April at a facility that makes the CMA work the floor. Two Aides (Counting the CMA) to a hall (20+ people.)
358 Posts
I just started nursing school in August. Solid B's so far, but I failed my first math exam. (92%)I've failed two check offs. Re-did one and passed it the second time. Wondering if it's worth it.Yeah, I'm super depressed and questioning everything. I know I can handle the bodily fluids, worked as a CMA since April at a facility that makes the CMA work the floor. Two Aides (Counting the CMA) to a hall (20+ people.)
Why are you thinking of giving up when you just started? I understand you are depressed and questioning whether you can do this, but you have not given the class enough time. Give yourself a are just begining the journey. Correct what you did wrong, elvauate your study habits, talk to your instructor and go for it...:redbeathe
9 Posts
Dont give up!!!
Anne36, LPN
1,361 Posts
No, I dont think you should drop out. Over 90% is excellent, its just this Nursing school grading system is so difficult. If you were going to school for anything else you would be at the top of your class. Keep up the good work, dont quit. Its been a couple of weeks, how is it going now?
31 Posts
Don't even think about quitting!! You're doing a great job! Nursing school is not like any other takes time to figure out how to study effectively and find your groove. Keep at it! I promise you will be grateful if you do! We are all here to support you!