Should I choose a job for its loan repayment program?



I am graduating soon and have two job offers for orthopedics and MICU. This is my second Bachelor's degree, so I have a lot of loans to pay and the ortho floor is offering me a day position and $2,000 bonus for loan repayment. The MICU position is at night, which isn't my preference but I think I'd enjoy the MICU work better. Which job would be the best as a new grad?

Have you spent time on each unit? met and talked with the staff on each unit? What is the time commitment required for the 2k and how will it be paid - lump sum or in increments? on the 1st paycheck, after 90 days? 

To be honest 2k after taxes is not really going to be that much money especially considering what you may have to give up to accept it. So carefully consider what choices you would really be waiving if opting for the 2k.. If you are stuck on a unit that you end up dread going to work on daily and you can't even consider requesting a transfer for a 1-2 years because of a 2k sign on bonus.... well not worth it IMHO. 

Just some thoughts.... best of luck. 

Thank you! The ortho job definitely had a bigger time committment, with working every other weekend. Plus I didn't even consider taxes to be included. I chose the MICU job. Thank you!

Congratulations on your forthcoming graduation... and enjoy the start of new career and adventures. 

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