Nurses Career Support


Hey, i applied for a nicu position at a well known hospital. Finally 6 months later received an interview. I believe it went very well. Hr told me my pay and all. Nurse manager gave me a tour of the unit and had me meet potential co workers and doctors. Even spoke to me about orientation. Its been over a week and havent heard back from the hospital. Sent thank you emails as well. I guess im just feeling defeated because ive been applying for a rn position for over 6 months and nothing has happened. Just want to finally be working and put my license to use. Should i follow up with hr again after i called once, i hate to be a pest!

Specializes in NICU.

The neofax is the NICU bible for doses ,routes,mixes etc,follow your hospitals policy.This is not peds ,the dosages are different,meds are different.Some hospitals will give you a free download onto your cell phone or the unit based cell phones ,many use ipods for medications,scanning etc. Good luck.Pay attention in orientation,have a separate calculator other than your cell phone. Get a neonatal stethoscope from lippincott. Transilluminators are expensive but handy for iv inserts,WEE makes one ,amazon carries it.

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