Short semester A&P, kicking myself in the tush!!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello all!

Because taking a summer semester of A&P I will help me save a year getting into the program, I decided to be gung-ho so that I could take II in the fall. I'm already regretting my decision, but trying to give myself the positive encouragement that I can do well in the class. My professor is about 80 years old, and absolutely insane. He gave us two tests on our first day of class!! Because it is a short semester class, we have lecture and lab monday and wednesday. Lecture is from 8:30 am to 11:25, and lab is from 12pm to 3pm. I work everyday that I'm not in class. To make a long story short, the first thing my professor said to us is, "When people take this class, I tell them 'if you're married, get a divorce. If you have children, sell them to a circus. If you have a job, quit. Because your whole life will be devoted to this class, or you will fail.' " Lovely! Just looking for a little bit of encouragement, because I'm trying to tell myself, "Can I do this? Yes I can!!"

:-) Thanks :lol2:

I found the flashcards that were recommended, and hopefully they will help. I've just been studying as much as I can, hoping the material will stick. By the way, my professor likes to remind us all that this is a short semester class, and we have very little time to waste, and then he goes on a 15 minute rant about how drinking cow's milk is horrible and it is the reason that all of the children are fat. Everyone was rolling their eyes, but it seems like once he gets himself going, he just can't stop.

I'm a flashcard kind of girl and I just kept mine with me at all times! That way, I could squeeze in a few minutes here and there to study. For example, I'd drag mine out every time we hopped in the car and I'd make my husband quiz me. Those little 5 minute study sessions add up!

Thanks everybody for your advice and most importantly, your words of encouragement!! It really appreciate all of your help, and I'm going to stay focused and do my best.

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